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Wow. Never saw this coming. There really are that many stupid people in this country.......

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Wow. Never saw this coming. There really are that many stupid people in this country.......


Yes and even more lazy and entitled people who want more socialist government handouts. That's what this country has become. Now Obamacare will happen for sure, no repeal.

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Yep sad day for our country but its going to get worse in the next four years.

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It's not just the next 4 years. It's what our kids will be stuck with. I just can't believe that there are that many people in this country that want to live off all of our backs. This is not the same country that I served. It's like a slap in the face.

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Joe "the N word" has two Gs and show some respect for the site and delete your post before one of the administrators have to do it for you.

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I believe in the next four yrs we will see the takers surpass the payers and for sure the hand outs will increase. A winning strategy, so we saw tonight. Perhaps another massive stimulus bill to pay back a lot of campaigns contributers. How many more Czars and Executive Orders can we take on.

America in decline .......

We should start a CWT guess what the price of gas will reach in the next 4 years contest (national avg) . So remind me again how much each of my children owe, has it reached 50 yet. Look on the bright side, maybe now we'll find out what the "secret deal " with Putin is that he was whispering about. How long before the Israelis attack Iran?

Hhmmm .... so much to ponder.

Sorry for the angry sarcasm, hard time sleeping tonight

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Removed my previous post as requested GotCouse! I will just call him...stupid monkey and all his followers the same. Anyone that votes for obuma really does this country no good and is a leach on society.


Really? That isnt any better.

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@gotcoues. Well said and I appreciate your request of Joe.. Color has nothing to do with this and will only serve to divide us further along lines that don't need to be there. We need to focus on issues and not race. As for your question regarding your kids, those under 18 have a $218K debt necklace as of yesterday.. Ughhhhhh

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Unreal he is going to kill small businesses with obummer care and his taxes to help the middle income family's wait to see all the businesses that go under when this health care bill goes into full effect........... how are people so ignorant to the truth?????????? Not that romney was that great but at least he would get the economy going in the right direction......... and quit giving our hard earned money to the lazy slob SOBs that dont wanna work......

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Unreal he is going to kill small businesses with obummer care and his taxes to help the middle income family's wait to see all the businesses that go under when this health care bill goes into full effect...........


Depending on on your definition of small business this isn't quite accurate...Here's how it will work out and in the end it will be a much lower level of care for his voters:


Employeers under 50 - There is no penalty for not offering healthcare under the new law so I project most will drop the coverage they currently offer their employees and force them to fend for themselves. This will push the masses into the state risk pools which will not have enough physicians, hospital and ancillary providers to cover the need thereby rationing of care by restriction access. The savings from not providing healthcare will then be used to pay the higher taxes assessed to the owner. So, small business survives average joe pays more for less coverage.


Empoyeers 50 to ??? - There are penalties for employeers over 50 but they are lower than what these employers pay in preminums by a considerable amount - for my company approximately $100,000.00 less. So, from a business stand point you again discontinue the benefits and force the employees into the state risk pools and take the savings to pay the increased taxes. So again small business survives and average joe pays more for less coverage.


This I'm sure was by design...makes a new and rather large portion of the population dependent on government securring the future of liberal governance.


It's like all his policies - bait them with freebies on the front end but cost them more on the backend but in today's society who looks beyond the freebies.

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Unreal he is going to kill small businesses with obummer care and his taxes to help the middle income family's wait to see all the businesses that go under when this health care bill goes into full effect...........


Depending on on your definition of small business this isn't quite accurate...Here's how it will work out and in the end it will be a much lower level of care for his voters:


Employeers under 50 - There is no penalty for not offering healthcare under the new law so I project most will drop the coverage they currently offer their employees and force them to fend for themselves. This will push the masses into the state risk pools which will not have enough physicians, hospital and ancillary providers to cover the need thereby rationing of care by restriction access. The savings from not providing healthcare will then be used to pay the higher taxes assessed to the owner. So, small business survives average joe pays more for less coverage.


Empoyeers 50 to ??? - There are penalties for employeers over 50 but they are lower than what these employers pay in preminums by a considerable amount - for my company approximately $100,000.00 less. So, from a business stand point you again discontinue the benefits and force the employees into the state risk pools and take the savings to pay the increased taxes. So again small business survives and average joe pays more for less coverage.


This I'm sure was by design...makes a new and rather large portion of the population dependent on government securring the future of liberal governance.


It's like all his policies - bait them with freebies on the front end but cost them more on the backend but in today's society who looks beyond the freebies.


That is the simplest explanation I've seen yet.

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Well im cutting down to under 50 employees so maybe you can hire them....... i cant afford to pay either...........

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