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Sarah and the Swede

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Thanks for posting the link red rabbit.

It definately is groundhog day. Sarah's most recent buck was taken about 500 yards from the one in the link. Notice the extra kicker on the same side, same place. Two years ago we made the exact same hunt on two bucks bedded in the same saddle as this years bucks. One of which was a solid 100" three point. Again the "warning shot" while in his bed and no chance for a follow up shot before they got over the top. 3 weeks later I glassed up the same 2 bucks, within 30 yards of where Sarah had missed him bedded. They fed through the saddle where this years pictures were taken and I have not been able to find them since. I hope to this year as he should be a stud.

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Awesome buck! That was a good intro!

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Congratulations on a fine buck and great shooting. I just love those 6.5 calibers.

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Nice job Sarah! I am glad to see others give a warning shot to be fair to the animals!

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I've always wondered why the 6.5x55 isn't mentioned more often as a youth gun. More recoil than a .243, but not so much most young teens of either gender can't handle it.


I see from the bolt safety that it's a sporterized military gun. But I notice it lacks the stepped barrel characteristic of Mausers. Did you have it re-barreled?

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Hello , first of all congrats on a job well done, i'ts awesome to see a family do things together as well. I have a Carl Gustaf 6.5x55 swedish that I was thinking of turning into a hunting rifle for my kids to shoot with. I guess you can hunt deer with that caliber , cause a lot of people have been telling me that it's too "light" of a round and not flat shooting enough. But looks like u guys proved them wrong, Thanks .

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