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Ethical kill

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I will regret asking this i am sure but are we as hunters supposed to look out for one another when it comes to ethics or just say to each his own and congratulate no matter what? Is a kill a kill no matter how it goes down or should we try to encourage bettter tactics?


I am talking about a blatent ethics violation not something borderline that some may or may not agree with (i.e long range, bait, etc..) I dont want to condemn in a personal manner but also dont want to encourage unethical or even dangerous hunting. What would you say to someone that said they wounded 3 elk flinging arrows from 50-100 yds but had not practiced at all and picked up arrows at walmart the night before?


I am not perfect and know that, just want to know what other peoples opinion is on this and how you would go about handling it. Would you say something to someone in the field if you saw them, would you mention it online? Is it any of our business or not? I feel since we are all in the field together it is all of our business....


Just want to know what others think...


Back to topic. Sorry, but threads like this often get hijacked, and off tangent.

I may he a little high horsed at times, however,land and wildlife are a public(in a sense) resource. It is everyone's responsibility to value that resource, and take responsibility if you are using it. The game we hunt does not belong to us until it is on the ground with our tag on it. As sportsman, we also need to be the stewards of these resources. If somebody does something that can affect us, our future, or our rights and privledges, it then becomes our business.


The same goes for the guy flinging arrows and injuring 3 elk. Did they track the wounded elk to see if they died. If so, did they report an accidental kill to G&F? If the wounds were even semi serious those 3 elk are most likely dead. Even a non-lethal wound can get infected, and turn septic.


Most hunters have probably wounded an animal that was not recoveredI know I have..But that is different than "flock shooting" at elk.

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When it comes to daughters......and I only have boys....but I imagine that ethics, morals and all other kinds of guidlines can probably go right out the window.


My point....trying to stay on topic ....................


We all have our standards we think we live by......others as AKA noted may not have grown up hunting like many of us have.........


Tough to place judgement on somebody out there that you don't know...................common sense.........sometimes just doesn't exist...........

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When it comes to daughters......and I only have boys....but I imagine that ethics, morals and all other kinds of guidlines can probably go right out the window.


My point....trying to stay on topic ....................


We all have our standards we think we live by......others as AKA noted may not have grown up hunting like many of us have.........


Tough to place judgement on somebody out there that you don't know...................common sense.........sometimes just doesn't exist...........


I hear, and agree, with what your saying. My common sense has flown right out the window on occasion :lol:

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