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Opening day buck

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What a first day for my dad and I! Headed down to my home town of Douglas Arizona for the early season hunt down here. I had never hunted the October hunt for Coues, so had not had the good fortune of witnessing large bachelor coues herds! With a successful December 2011 hunt in the same unit, where we saw some monster bucks in the area, I was amped for opening day! By first light we were on the mountain where I shot my buck last year onto a small 3 point and forkie. With only a couple days to hunt, I committed to shooting any three point. By 8:00, I was 250 yards from a nice three point, steadied for a shot, and just before he walked over a ridge, I sent a bullet his way....over the ridge and over the buck it went. After following the buck over another two canyons and not harvesting him, we decided to head back to the truck. Dissapointed from the miss while encouraged about the early opportunity, we, after a wonderful nap, decided to move to another area where we had seen some nice bucks. We made it to the area by 2:30, and started glassing. Looking for bedded deer, we were surprised to find a buck feeding! The deer was about 900 yards away and we could not tell how large it was, so we decided to get after him. As you all know, these little guys are known to vacate an area without the hunter knowing, so eyes were on this guy during the entire stalk. We were able to make it to 600 yards to the buck only to realize that the only path that would close the gap to the deer, now bedded, was a path that would likely expose us to the deer. We decided that I take the path to the deer, while my dad stayed back and watched for the deer. I slowly and as stealthily as possible, headed straight toward the deer, the last hundred yards of which were on the floor. I finally made it to the previously decided upon rock where I would wait for the buck to get up. Still unsure about the size, I layed on the ground aimed at the tree where I thought the buck was lying, waiting for the buck to get up.....about 165 yards. After about twenty minutes, I started to think that I was in a place where I could not see the deer and stood up to re-position -.a dumb mistake, I spooked the deer! It seemed as though the entire mountain became alive with bucks! My dad radioed to me that there were some monsters on the hill! Now frantic, I hit the ground to look for a shot, fearing that I spooked the herd off the mountain. While I found deer in the scope, my dad blew on a fawn bleet, and to my surprise, the bucks just stopped and started feeding about 300 yards from me! I finally found a buck with what looked like a nice rack and squeezed one off. The buck started running and then hit the ground and died! I couldnt contain myself and started yelling in joy! After being sure that I knew his whereabouts (its soo easy to lose a downed buck in the brush) I ran to the deer, only to find this brute, with forked eye guards and nice random 8 inch point coming off his left side! My biggest buck to date, he scored just over 100! What a wonderful first day for my dad and I! Shot the deer at 4:30 and made it back to the truck at 8:30. Finished processing by 1:30 am; 22 hours of the hunt, so decided to take today off!. In that herd there were a couple others that were the size of the buck I shot or bigger. Now its time to get my dad one of those bucks!




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To be able to share that hunt with your Dad is just awesome. I'm sure he was as happy for you as you were for yourself. Now let's go get Dad one. Will be looking forward to the rest of the story. Congratulations!




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Cool deer!

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Super nice buck, love the extra on him! Congratulations!!! Now go get Dad one :)

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Super nice buck. Congrats.

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Great buck, congrats on your hunt. Love the extra kicker on his left side that's a one of a kind. What unit?


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Thanks for all the wonderful replies. Went out today with no luck...many hunters and few deer. Hopeful to find that herd again! Ended up measuring the buck, grossed 111 with that extra point! Still on a high from that buck!

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