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FOUND : Walther P22 , You tell me where ?

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When you buy a gun...dont you fill out some paperwork? Don't you provide them with and I.D.? Or do they just give it to you without asking any questions? How does law enforcement finds out who the owner of a gun is? How do they build a Database? ;)


Ernesto C

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When you buy a gun...dont you fill out some paperwork? Don't you provide them with and I.D.? Or do they just give it to you without asking any questions? How does law enforcement finds out who the owner of a gun is? How do they build a Database? ;)


Ernesto C

That paperwork stays with the store that you bought it from. All the store does is call the NICS in which they tell them your first and last name along with what type of firearm it would be long gun, or pistol. No serial number, make, or model is given to the FBI. You could be buying a .22lr rifle or a .50cal Barrett , they just know your buying a long rifle.

You could get the serial number, call the manufacture, then they would know what store the gun was sold to, then the store could look through thousands of paperwork to find the original owner, then you could find the owner given the original owner never sold the the firearm in a private sale. But the manufacture would never give you that info unless your the ATF I would think.

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Unless it's reported lost/stolen it won't be in NCIC or ACIC. Only law enforcement types can run it through the computer. Little bit of red tape to run things in the computer for personal interest, think felony and no more job. Also this posting should be a defense for fail to return found property. You are making the effort to find the rightful owner. So not just good karma.


Usually with found property the local PD will have a timeframe for claim by the owner before the finder is notified it is theirs to pick up. If the finder doesnt want it then it is auctioned or destroyed. Not sure what policy is regarding firearms, I know it's different in most cases thanks to the ATF. My department had a pretty good collection of guns I would love to own, but the ATF tape made it easier to destroy them so they did.

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No wonder they left its a walther, not a kimber ;) Good luck finding the owner.

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