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SPOT - (Not the dog)

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I know my wife would really like to be able to communicate as well. The InReach sounds like it could be a better option for me but I will do some more research on both units before I make up my mind on that.


With either unit I would like to know what the chances are of accidently hitting or bumping the emergency come get me button?? Seems to me it can get tossed around in your back pack or bump something on the trail. Is there a chance it will send a rescue signal off? Can you imagine the repercussions of a rescue crew coming out to get you and nothing was wrong? That could be an expensive oopsy.




With the Spot that is not likely to happen, you have to remove the guard before hitting SOS button. I know over the years I have beat the crud out of mine in the backpack, Jeep or hanging on my person and have never had that happen.

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Anybody have an actual real life experience of getting help while out deep in no mans land???


Really appreciate the great info, I think it helps me out with my rattlesnake fobia........


Have never used the SOS function but have used the pre-set buttons for needing non emergency help at my location when the Jeep broke down in the outback. Worked great, but you need to set up your pre-set's and talk with the people before the trip so they will know most likely why you hit the non SOS button.

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you also have a help button, i had to used it and my friends came no problem, but since we are talking about snakes, can you buy antivenom anywhere?

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Amanda correct me if I'm wrong as I have also been using the spot for some years now. It is my understanding that you do not have to pay any annual service to still use only the SOS rescue service as it is free with the stand alone unit. If you want texting or additional pre-set messgages then yes you have to at least buy the minimum service.



I don't know about that...it's not my understanding, but maybe you are correct? You might give SPOT a call and see what they say.

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I just got the Delorme InReach. It is a lot like the SPOT Connect but it will allow you to do a 4 month block of service. With the InReach you have 91, you can send predetermined texts or if connected to a Cell phone you can send and receive text messages. The ability to send and recive texts is the major diffrence between SPOT and InReach along with coverage. Here is a comparison from GPS Central..





As I understand it, the InReach is pretty new and this might be a better option...I didn't realize the inreach allowed you to receive msgs, that would be a big plus. It also says it allows confirmation that messages are sent, that's something that SPOT doesn't do and can be annoying.

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