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AZGF to ban salt/baiting

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Bowhunterforlife may want a new handle ... maybe like baithunterforlife or MasterbaiterforLife.... and I will say it again even though it caused a little out cry a couple years ago when I said it " a hunter using bait is no different than a pediophile using an ice creme truck to hunt his prey "


Legend in your own mind!

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Great point St8tshot, bobbyo this thread gets ruined from self-righteous,pompous, people like you.

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Alright back on topic. The great deer killing over bait totaled 475 Whitetails in 2011 in Arizona. 2.3% success rate on coues deer for every archery tag sold.. Yes more regulation is needed. Don't want to get to 3%.

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Bowhunterforlife may want a new handle ... maybe like baithunterforlife or MasterbaiterforLife.... and I will say it again even though it caused a little out cry a couple years ago when I said it " a hunter using bait is no different than a pediophile using an ice creme truck to hunt his prey "


And a guy that uses an Ultramag to hunt a 60 pound animal is some how Angelic? I said it a couple years ago and even though it caused a little outcry so I will say it again. A hunter using an ultramag is compensating for other inadequacies if you know what I mean.


Same could be said for guys who need bait bobbyo ... and it is less about the gun and more about the load ... 165 gr ... never a shot over 200 yards and no meat loss ... but seems pretty humane to see them drop right in their tracks with no suffering ..un-like running 50 yards with a rage cut through you ...


Great point St8tshot, bobbyo this thread gets ruined from self-righteous,pompous, people like you.


ReganRanch, Heehee, thanks a lot bro for replying to STR 8s post, so he can't EDIT IT. I want those stupid defensive comments to live on.

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I'm not your bro bobbyoh I have no respect for you. Everyone that is respectable looks at your stupid comments, and thinks wow, " This 48 year old guy handles himself in this manner?"

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RR all apologies brother. Guess i hit a nerve with that "inadequacy" comment (is this comment one of the stupid ones' you are referring too?). I retract that statement completely. Besides from what I hear, size really doesn't matter in anything, but rifle bullets. I believe my reprehensible behavior was caused by my pompous attitude of two non bowhunters hijacking a pretty good discussion on a relevant and contemporary topic on this site. I trust you are absolutely correct in saying that "everyone that is respectable looks at my stupid comments, and thinks wow," why is bobbyo still writing to someone who hijacked this thread?


Forgive me,


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Your free to think what you want, there's a longer length discussion on this

Topic started before this one. I'm sure everyone has made their peace with it , I sure have and am moving on to newer and better topics like getting the troll kicked off who has a man crush on Casey who blew up the new content page. Good luck this fall.

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I find it comical that I am a troll for disagreeing with most of you on this topic. Makes me smile at your ignorance. Good 5th and 6th post. Seems like you may be another member on here that is just embarassed to show their true identity. I would say my 275 posts show that I am not a troller and your 6 might mean you are more like a troller. As I said before go let your AzGFD know about your opposition if you have some. Do not become a keyboard tough guy.


You call bowhunter.forever someone that is embarassed to show their true identity but yet you do the same thing. No pictures and no personal information, the pot calling the kettle black? Keyboard tough guy?


From your other post I'm gathering you disagree with baiting because of the high harvest ratio? Again I find it ignorant to think it is from baiting? So what will you say when this gets banned and the archery hunters are still more successful? Or is it that you are an archery hunter that just can't harvest deer and feel that everyone else that does must be baiting? Like I said before this was attempted by G&F before and was shot down by the hunting groups whom banded together to fight it.


I don't bait(food plots or feeders) but don't think it is right to ban it just because someone feels it is causing a higher success rate. Salt is another issue and I don't see an issue with it. The problem here is salt is being lumped into baiting. Salt and mineral licks were something I learned about over twenty years ago by a G&F warden! He taught me a lot about hunting whitetail. I have many friends whom work in the G&F department and most of them use something during their archery hunting.


Again if your using the argument for keeping CWD out of the state then provide the research, if your doing it for high harvest ratios then again provide the proof before just banning it.


I am not attacking anyone or calling anyone names based on their posts on this topic. I do not support the bait ban, nor am I against it. It doesn't matter to me. I have said this before. All I say is people throw out lots of false information and are so anti- G&F that it is comical. If you ask for data, AzGFD gives you data, and then you refute it because of "junk science", it just seems these is no pleasing some of you. As far as hiding, how am I hiding behind my keyboard? Because I do not have any pictures up of my harvests?

I am not positve, but I would believe that the majority of people would be against baiting. I would almost venture to say that a majority of hunters would be against it or think it is not the way to hunt. I am not against baiting, never said I was. Just the fact of G&F doing anything in this state always brings out all the haters.


"Junk Science" I am sure most everyone who says this can do a better job than they could. Managing for hunter opportunity? Of course, do you not remember when game and fish asked for public input on what "us" hunters would rather have? Arizona hunters said more opportunity, rather than trophy hunts. I know it sounds crazy because of the online phenomenom, but most hunters wanted opportunity. There are only a few hunters on this site that commonly refer to themselves as meat hunters and not trophy hunters.


I am not even going to acknowledge bowhunter any more, he has proven to give false information and have nothing really intelligent to bring to he "discussion" not name calling fight.

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The thinking is ignorant and just to prove a point look at what happened to bear baiting when we sat on our hands and let the animal rights activist take that away from us.


Oh, I'm gonna hate myself in the morning for posting to this thread after a swore I wouldn't ....BUT...


Perhaps a bit of fact checking on the above will show the "animal rights activist" had no direct involvement in getting rid of bear baiting in Arziona.

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You know i think its pretty sad that people who share the same passion for hunting bash on each other we all face the same front that enviromentalists dont want us to hunt so put aside the oetty kid games and look at the real issue we all love hunt no matter how we do it and there are groups trying control how and if we have choice so pack together and fight for what we love to do

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You know i think its pretty sad that people who share the same passion for hunting bash on each other we all face the same front that enviromentalists dont want us to hunt so put aside the oetty kid games and look at the real issue we all love hunt no matter how we do it and there are groups trying control how and if we have choice so pack together and fight for what we love to do


I couldnt agree more! And it makes me wonder why AZGFD would introduce such a devicive rule and split the hunters??? What is their motive?

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Their plan is simple are strength is in are numbers and all being on the same page by causing contraversy and segregating hunters to what kind of weapon we use they are gaining control i dont know if you have ever attended their public meetings on similar issues but the game they play is they will have one with 500 people there so they run the meeting out of time schedule another one there is only 350 people who show up to that meeting still being enough to get there attention they schedule another one this time only 50 people show then they say well you dont have enough support on this issue these are factual tactics used in the past are strength are in are numbers hunters need reunite get that common respect for each other or are opposers will win even the political side of this issue is about numbers

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Hunters are typically their own worst enemies. Take for example throwing the game across the hood of their truck and parading down main street before driving home. The anti-hunters loved that. How long did it take for hunters to wise up to that? Baiting and using trail cameras to photo game, then posting your photos on websites like this one while the game is living. Then posting the photos of the same game after harvest is equivalent to throwing them over the hood of your truck.


Or all those posts so far this year of wounded game not being recovered. Then found days or weeks later, only to be claimed for the antlers. Trophy Hunters by name only give a negative tone to hunting. Advertising wounded game recovered for the rack is bad publicity for hunting


And, why where so many of us up in arms about guides using ultralight aircraft to spot game then radio down to guides with clients a number of years back? Was that really any different then baiting? Maybe baiting should only be allowed for a certain time period and one has to stop say a month prior to the first opening season.


Are trail cameras on public lands an invasion of an individuals rights? Maybe all those trail cameras are disappearing due to someone not wanting to be photographed when scouting water holes on public lands. What about trail cameras only being allowed to be used two weeks prior to opening day?


I guess what I am trying to say is we need to do a better job policing ourselves. Then maybe we won't be policed by others so much. We give Game and Fish direction in which they lean by our actions.

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