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Unit 3A / 3C

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Okay ... I'm not asking for anything specific ...


Both of my boys have drawn Bull Elk tags in 3A/3C in November. For any of you that hunted the unit already this year, how did it look? See a lot of good Bulls in there? Just trying to get a feel for what we are in for. Hunted Cow Elk in there a few years back, and saw several good Bulls, but year to year you just never know.



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Go to the burn...and glass your a$$ off or go to the edge of the rim on the rim road and work north. PM me if you want to know more.

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I had the early rifle tag in there this year. I scouted out more 300-340 class bulls than I have ever seen in my life. There are a ton of 300 to 340 bulls in that unit this year. It was really hard to find anything biggert though. Good luck.

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I have hunted that unit my entire life. The early hunt was better this year than the last two. We killed two 370 type bulls and a goofy 340 bull with a messed up pedicle. Once the rut is over most of the mature bulls will pack up and head home to the reservation. The late hunt in my opinion is tough if your looking for a good bull (most are broke up). I wouldn't hesitate at shooting the first six point you see. Good luck

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Oh ... I'd say we'll shoot at the first 5X or bigger. Boys are young ... first bull doesn't need to be a monster ... just big enough to do a Euro on the wall at my Dad's place. We only have 4 days to hunt ... I don't want the boys missing more than 2 days of school. Call me a LAME A _ _, but at their age I think the education is a priority. They have a lot of years left to hunt God willing.


Sounds like this year has been a good one so far.

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I fight the same battle every year with my boys and school and hunting...........and as an educator I fully support your keeping them in school.


But this is where me and my wife always get just a little crossways...............


Kids learn alot from their parents out there in the woods and sometimes it is every bit as important as the things learned in the classroom.

My one son would take of days to go help his grandpa round up cows...........how priceless is that???


Having said that.......we only get 3 days on our whitetail hunt cause...........well, momma always wins...........


Good luck on your hunt, holler if you need any help, we are right here in Snowflake............haven't been out looking for elk, but if you get in a bind holler.

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Dont know anything about the unit but good luck! While its great to have a goal, I would suggest that you let them shoot whatever they like when they see it.

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IMO one of the most difficult late season tags to have. If you want your boys to have success then I wouldn't have them pass much of anything, maybe some spikes or so, but it can be difficult to hunt this unit. Good luck and have fun and I agree with non-typ, children especially boys can learn as much or more by spending time the woods with a father or other adult than being cooped up in a class room.

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I agree, this is a tough unit come Novemeber. I saw some nice bulls on the junior cow hunt, but also saw a number of spikes. The bull head to the res pretty quick. As a high school counselor, I agree that education takes place both in the classroom and out in the woods. But, if it were my daughter, I would let her shoot a the first bull that gave her a good shot. Then enjoy the rest of the weekend and get the kids home for school. Like you said, they have the rest of their life to hunt, high school only comes around once.......

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You have some good advice given above!


I will shoot you a PM with some info...

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Thanks all for the advice. I figured it would be a tough hunt that late ... hope we see some, but the best part will be getting out with my boys and my dad to enjoy some time in the great outdoors.

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I have some buddies from Joe City that hunted 3A during the late archery hunt and did well. Ended up killing a smaller 6 point but they stalked 300+ bulls everyday they hunted. Get out of the pines, and glass and I think you could do really well. Good luck and have a great trip. Don't forget to give us a report afterwards, we will all be excited to hear how it goes.

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