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scope rings - need your help

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Actually the Talley ring assembly guide recommends you not use loc-tite. The same goes for the leopold torx rings and bases.

Very true! A lot of bench rest shooters use blue loc-tite for the bases, just a extra guarantee they won't loosen up on you. Bruno recommends it, but you don't have to use it.

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I'm sensitive. I have redone several scope set-ups for friends and the hardest part was dealing with the loc-tite fix. I realize it can be useful but too often used to correct ill-fitting or mismatched components. When asked my secret to proper installation all I can say is I read the directions first. Hope this did'nt come out to rough. shayne

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Have 2 buddies that had scopes come lose. They didn't use loc-tite. One guy after the first shot on a Coues hunt. The first day. Had to borrow a gun for yhe rest of the hunt. The second at the range. Fell off the gun, off the bench and on the ground. Not good either way. I like the added security.

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The directions probably don't advise locktight for the sime reason of people using the wrong type. Never use red locktight. You can get them out but it usually requires heat. I use the blue as stated before. I have never had a problem removing the screws with a proper fitting tool using the blue. Also if you plan on reusing the screws make sure you remove all the old residue from the previouse locktight with de natured alcohol before reapplying. (Personal I use MEK but I don't think you can buy that at a local hardware store.)

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So I have seen guys say Warne, Talley, Burris. Talley and Burris are horizontally split. You can lap these (though I am understanding that lapping Burris Zee Rings is not necessary). How do you lap a vertically split ring like Warne? Do you really need to? I have been told by some that lapping is not as necessary with the new CNC type rings. Does everyone buy that?


Not trying to hijack the thread ... but since we are talking rings ... it is good pertinent information to know.

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The rings may be made better today but what lapping does is square the rings to the bases and the Rifle so that there is proper contact and alignment with everything.


Also nail Polish works wonders for lock tight applications it holds well and you can remove it when you want no problem.

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