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36B camping solo

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Are there any areas that would be safer than others for someone camping solo in 36B during the Oct hunt?

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try finding others that may be in small group ... if you are going to be absolute Solo ... try upper yellow jacket road right off Ruby road .. Always good number of camps several that will usually stay through Hunt duration ... Open area with good BP concentration ... may get a bit of road noise and dust but not too bad... should not see any issues .... plus good ranges to hunt not too far from you

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I'll be in there by myself too. Will just gypsy camp, cot under the stars and tear stuff down every morning. Pick spots that aren't in traffic routes and don't offer a lot of cover.

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Just try to stay away from washes- so many reasons to do that it ain't funny. Lots of 2 and 4 legged creatures like to move along them.

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pick a spot near a border patrol station.. that would be the safest spot and their lights will light you camp ground for you

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I’ve slept (restlessly) in my SUV down there before and haven’t had any night-time encounters.


I did, however, pick up some of these motion-sensing LED lights and put one on each side of my vehicle (they stick with magnets):




I can’t say that they necessarily keep my safer but they do make me feel better in that if someone approaches they will be illuminated so I’d be able to see them and it’d be harder for them to see in.


You can get them at Ace Hardware and, occasionally, at Costco.


Good luck on the hunt!

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pick a spot near a border patrol station.. that would be the safest spot and their lights will light you camp ground for you


The Border Patrol Camp on Ruby road is shutdown. I drove by the other day, and it is abandoned. I also talked to a agent out there, and he said it was closed due to budget cuts.

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Hunted a couple years ago in 36b. Total blast. We camped close to the border. Definitely saw some strange things, and brought back some strange stories, even a close encounter with an unknown group hiking back at night. Anyway, most places I notice it is not fun to camp near folks, and you love having your own spot. Down in 36b, all the hunters seem pretty cool and open to it. We camped on a road where several others camped, and even hung out a litle bit with some of the other campers. Had it been another unit we probably would have been annoyed, but in 36b it was welcoming. And there were tons of remote areas to hunt even with all the campers.


Be safe, be careful ...especially at night in the washes...that was where we had our closest encounter and passed through definitely an often used smuggler camp



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Hunted a couple years ago in 36b. Total blast. We camped close to the border. Definitely saw some strange things, and brought back some strange stories, even a close encounter with an unknown group hiking back at night. Anyway, most places I notice it is not fun to camp near folks, and you love having your own spot. Down in 36b, all the hunters seem pretty cool and open to it. We camped on a road where several others camped, and even hung out a litle bit with some of the other campers. Had it been another unit we probably would have been annoyed, but in 36b it was welcoming. And there were tons of remote areas to hunt even with all the campers.


Be safe, be careful ...especially at night in the washes...that was where we had our closest encounter and passed through definitely an often used smuggler camp




My experience exactly when my son and I hunted 36B a few years ago. Going back in November, although he isn't too thrilled about it as we didn't see any bucks the last time.

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