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mulie hunter

Need good bino's, your opinion counts!

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I own a pair of the steiner big horn 15x56's. I am very happy with them. They gather plenty of light and have done the job for a fair price. However, when compared to the swaro 15x56, there is no comparison. Swaros look like a high def tv compared to my steiners. but me and my pocketbook are happy with the steiners for now.

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the monarchs are just a great pair of binos for a really good price....veryone seems to agree with that so you wont go wrong with those and as redman said they really do have the best warranty in the business

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Mulie Hunter,

I've been following your post and I fall into the same category, except I have a 36 B - December whitetail tag.


I went on ebay today and bought (sight unseen) the Nikon Monarch ATB 12x56 binos for $326.50 shipped to my door insured. I called Nikon and this guy is a legit Nikon dealer. I have no connection to him other than saving between $125.00-$175.00 off of what they would cost anywhere in the valley.



He had 4 pairs and they all sold today.. (bet he'll relist more)....

Anyway thought you might want to check him out and save yourself a few bucks. These are so new that the retail alone was $430.00 plus tax... & they're not even in the shops... Don't they know it's time to Scout?? :blink:


When they come in the mail I'll let you know more, but they were exactly what I was looking for Coues Country...


Good luck!

Doug Az P&Y

Thanks Doug I'll be checking ebay, and waiting to hear your review. :lol:

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