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My Son's First Bull

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Time for a little bragging. My son drew an any elk tag in one of the limited opportunity hunts. I knew going into the hunt the odds were against us. Through patience and perseverance, he shot his first bull. We missed the first two days of the hunt so he could participate in his high school marching band events on Friday and Saturday. We arrived in the unit on Sunday afternoon and hunted until dark. On Monday and Tuesday, we got up at 4:15am and went to bed after 9:00pm. We would head back to the cabin for lunch and a mid-day break (I had to work for an hour or two each day). Wednesday started the same, but ended on a high note. We spent the late afternoon glassing open ground from a high point. With about 30 minutes of light left, we decided to head home. As we headed out, I saw a bull moving through the junipers at 40 yards to our left. He spotted us and stopped broadside. I prefer sitting or prone shots so I can have the maximum support possible to reduce the movement of my muzzle. Not Matt. He made an unsupported standing shot just as the bull started to run away. Direct hit! The bull ran about 20 yards and dropped.Even though he was taking his final breaths when we walked up, Matt put one more round into him just to be sure.


Need less to say, I had left my digital camera with my mom that afternoon so she could get pics of the elk moving into the meadow outside her cabin in the evening. The picture is from my cell phone and it is grainy. When you look at the picture, you will notice something odd about this 6 point bull...he does have both antlers. One did not develop. Matt was still thrilled. He had hunted hard for 3 and half days. No complaints. I felt he earned this elk.


We called grandpa. He came out and brought my other son with him. All 4 of us then worked on the elk before dropping it off at Rusty's in Springerville.


My son had a junior elk cow tag 5 years ago. On that hunt, he saw one elk and shot it. Another great shot that dropped it in its tracks. So in two combined elk hunts, he has seen two elk and shot them both. He is already looking forward to getting his next elk tag! And so am I.


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I forgot to acknowledge a few key individuals that impacted our hunt.


I owe my dad a ton of thanks for doing most of the grunt work before the hunt. Being a summer resident up there, he was able to do some preliminary ground scouting for me. More importantly, he knew a number of individuals familiar with our unit and who provided some great pre-hunt advice. And thanks to Bill Q and his wife Jean for letting us drop by uninvited and then sharing a chunk of their Sunday afternoon to talk elk. Based on our discussion, I narrowed our hunt area down to a very small, local area within the unit and it paid off in the end.


Still thrilled thinking back on this hunt.

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