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A College Kid's Perspective..

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This is a long post, but something I really wanted to write considering the time of year.


I was very pleased to see Romney apply the full court press on Obama, and I hope he continues to do so in the upcoming debates. I also believe Ryan has an opportunity to destroy Biden if he puts his game face on.


Here's my take on the election and my reasoning for not being optimistic yet. I am in my mid-20's and in graduate school, and I firmly believe it’s my generation that looms as the formidable foe. I get so frustrated each day when I have to listen to "educated" kids talk about politics. Very rarely is a bad word spoken about Obama or the democrats, and 95% of the time Romney and the Republicans are cast as extreme pessimists who are out of touch with "progressive society". Case in point... after the debate all my workmates talked about the next day is how PBS and Big Bird were going away if Romney were to be elected. With staunch resentment, they maintain that Romney is a "stupid" Republican who doesn't see the value in education, clean energy, etc.


My generation is lacking severely in three categories: 1) Understanding of Civics 2) Appreciation for our History and societal Freedoms 3) Ability to think critically for themselves when it comes to what they read and hear every day (this includes high school teachers and college professors).


This culminates into distaste for government and a sense of entitlement….which four years ago resulted into a belief that we needed "change".


Well they got the change, that’s for dam$ sure. Career fairs are filled with companies who are not hiring, the cost of our health care is going up, and so are our taxes. But do my coworkers put two and two together?? Heck no. (And I will admit Obama is not the sole reason for our economic situation. The problem with government spending started way before him. However, the trio of Obama, Pelosi, and ObamaCare has been the trifecta of straws that are breaking the camel’s back).


That is why I love coming to this site and reading that other people think the same way that I do. I maintain that a multiple party system (at its fundamental core) is a good thing and that multiple viewpoints are important. With that said, there are some things that this President has failed on miserably and these are the things that must be changed in order for our Country to stay free going forward:


1) Get rid of Obama Care

2) Invite Netanyahu to the White House garden for a makeup beer (:/) and give the finger to Iran

3) Get every single person who is currently disenchanted with there lifestyle to the voting booths

4) Teach your kids how to balance a checkbook and do a budget…. so they understand that, although they sound humanitarian, government aid programs are ill-affordable in there current state… and the size of government cannot be sustained by those working in the private sector.

5) Help rein-in our military from around the world but do not cut the military budget. At its core, the federal government was in part created as a governing assembly to orchestrate the military security for the USA… so keep it strong! If we have a Doberman in our yard, we are far less likely to be attacked. Right now China and everyone else sees us as week economically, socially, and arguably militarily. Pearl Harbor and Hitler only happened 70 years ago….


If you read through my diatribe, thank you :)


Go Romney!

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John F. Kennedy was president when I was born.


I am a right wing conservative.


Regardless if you are Republican, or Democrat, the biggest problem we face as taxpayers, is an incompetent, and oversized, government. Progressive society is one thing, but having a President such as Obama, trying to inflict his will and ideals upon me, is unacceptable. I choose what is best for me. Not some Bureau bonehead pushing pencils in washington D.C.


Education is very important right now, and in the future.The Liberal mentality is infiltrating our school sysytems. This is also unacceptable. A teachers job is to teach the course they were hired to teach, provide educational guidance, and possible mentorship. Their job is not to tell our children how our society should be, or who to vote for, or how to feel about world issues.


I agree on your points. One of many things that needs to be adressed is NASA.


Our founding fathers were pretty smart drafting the Constitutional rights. It is our job, as well as our elected leaders, to make sure that our rights are not infringed upon, as Obama did with Obamacare. The Supreme court is just as guilty by violating the 10th Amendment by using highly questionable loopholes for Obamacare.


The right, and left, will always bash on each other. If the two parties can start coming together on National and world issues, we can accomplish much more. Each party spends too much time fighting over who's right and wrong. We the people suffer for their negligence.

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One more thing our government needs to do is get really tough with WELFARE.


I work 60 hours a week on a ball buster project. I am exhausted by the weekend with my one day off.


I happen to have today off ,and went grocery shopping and spent $225 for a cart full of food with my hard earned money. I stop off at Circle K for something, and see people buying Soda and junk with their EBT cards, one of which was driving a shiny new $40,000 truck. I bust my butt for a living, and really need a new truck, but can't afford one.


Anybody see what is wrong with welfare and the food stamp system?

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Glad to hear a young person with a good head on their shoulders. There are more like you out there so dont get discouraged.

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My son was a member of the young republicans at ASU. Most of the engineering students were. It was the liberal art types who made up the bulk of the student body and liberal student mindset.

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Nice post, very refreshing. I agree whole-heartedly. The problem is most voters aren't as informed as you are. Keep fighting the good fight.

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Our higher education system is a living cesspool of liberalism and "from those according to their abilities..." types.

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