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Flight Infrared Sensor Hunt Net


Why put all those miles on those expensive Kentrek Hardscrabble hunting boots? Let FISHNET do the scouting for you.

This mildly expensive infrared drone with gps grid searching capabilities can cover a large area in a relatively short amount of time. FISHNET has the capability to photograph heat signatures, capture gps coordinates, and relay the information directly to your laptop located in your outrageously expensive heated/air conditioned SUV.

Imagine this!!!! It’s 3am opening morning and you just sent FISHNET out on it’s first flight of the morning. Within 15 minutes your laptop signals you that FISHNET has sent a photo of approximately 30 heat signatures and the gps coordinates. You quickly overlay the FISHNET photo over a satellite photo of the area and discover the heat signatures are close to your favorite stock tank. Using your cellphone you reprogram FISHNET to make another pass over the heat signatures. After observing the second photo received from FISHNET you are amazed to find out the heat signatures are moving in your direction at approximately 15 feet per minute. After a few mathematical calculation you realize the herd will approach your current location in about 3 hours and 15 minutes. Perfect!!! You sit back, enjoy your hot coffee and at 6:45 am shot a nice bull elk 50 yards off Forest Service Road 294.

WOW!!! What a great hunt!!! Can’t wait to get those photos posted to COUESWHITETAIL.COM.

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Man I thought I was the only one using that. Thanks m77, now EVERYONE is going to want one, this is supposed to be Secret Squirrel Stuff and you blew the code of silence.

Time for you to turn in your DECODER RING!

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Not my DECODER RING!!! I would rather give up my TRAILCAM LASER GUIDED SURE KILL DEVICE (TLGSKD). Besides, the instant notification and response system is not working on my TLGSKD.

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