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can I just vent...

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How completely annoyed and downright angry I am tonight.....


Took my friend out again tonight.

Got into a few bulls as they were coming out of their beds and headed down into the flats....


Walked right into some great bugles! Positioned ourselves right in front of a couple great bulls talkin trash to each other as they worked down the thickets of this draw.... Working out nicely!


5:00....bulls screaming all around us... Cows filtering past us already.... Then we hear it...the quad!

Drives down the flats....straight to the water hole all these elk are working to.... He stops about a hundred yards short of the water...


Bulls clamp up...

Elk come flying past us back up the mountain!

No more calls until dark!

Game over!

Thanks for playing! ! !


Its like "dude! Watch some videos...read a book! Learn about elk hunting! ! ! Its archery season! ! ! You just don't do that! ! "






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That is the challenge of Public Land hunting...


+1 Frustrating, but that's the game.




PS: Nothing wrong with a little venting!

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I feel ya! If I hear one more quad or rihno come down a road while I am out hiking I will lose it haha


I am all about driving to get where I need to go but when I am ready to go hunt or go after an animal I will hike it out at least over a hill or something to get away.


People in huge disel trucks out hunting drive me nuts too...I can hear their trucks miles aways. If I can hear it and its annoying to me....animals can clearly hear it and will move.

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we've had numerous similar things this hunt but the worst was my husband and buddy were sitting a tank. a guy walked up and my husband cow called and waved. the guy waved back and sat down to hunt the other side of the tank. now they had words and that guy was told a thing or two about ethics and my husband and buddy left. they saw him later that night and the guy did apologize though.


Are you seriously kidding me? what fun would that be to hunt a tank with another hunter. my husband did the right thing amd I'm glad I'm not a man because I think my temper would've gotten the better of me :0)

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We were in the thick of a big herd last year, maybe 100 or so elk, walked with them side by side for an hour and half waiting to get a shot at the right one...until another guy comes walking on through smoking a cigarette and lovin life. Public land hunting'.

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You should have to pass a common sense test before you can go on such a quality hunt like elk. If you can't pass it you must be taken by someone who can

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Sorry that happened to you. The exact same thing happened to my son and I a few years back in unit 27, and to beat it all, it was one of the local guides with a customer following right behind him.


We managed to catch them and after having to keep my son from chopping some trees with them as axes they understood. Worst of all they did it in the Blue Wilderness Area.



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I feel your pain. I had quads blow out the bulls I was working - twice! - on opening day. One was a nice 6 right after first light and the other a raggie that was coming on a string to my cow call near sunset. I kinda let the second guy have it. All of this, btw, happened on roads (well, the first one was only a trail) in areas that were supposed to be closed to all motor vehicles per the new Forest Service TMPs. I hiked in and it took me over 90 minutes to hike to where I was hunting. Those other guys drove in (to the closed area).


I explained to a number of people about the closures, showed them my map - some reacted well, even moved their camps out of the closed area. Some had some unkind things to say about FS and about me personally. One guy, after I told him about the closures (we were 2.5+ miles from the 'open' road), asked me in his best (I'm assuming) a-hole voice, 'Yeah, well then how did you get here?' When I told him I hiked in, he said 'Yeah, right!' like my Left Quad and Right Quad couldn't get me there. Only Polaris or Yamaha, I guess...

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What penalties does G&F impose on individuals if caught driving on closed roads? From what I understand all the closed roads are not properly marked as such. A couple years ago I was hiking three miles back into a wilderness area in Colorado and sure enough there was a quad parked. Guy drove right past the closed road/wilderness area sign. I think I still have his spark plug. LOL.

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