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Bolt issues...please help

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I could really use some help figuring out an ejector issue on my rifle.


The gun: Weatherby Mark V 7mm Mag


Issue: two weeks ago the bolt got dropped while being cleaned and the ejector pin and spring came out. I was able to get them back in as it appeared that the bracing pin that runs perpendicular to is just slid over and allowed it to displace the spring and ejector pin. Over this past weekend I was at the range finishing sighting the gun in about every 3-5 shots the pin would come back out, which would not allow for the next round to be chambered. The spring only came out with the pin once.


Do I need to take it to a gunsmith or is there an easy fix for me? My bull hunt is in 3 weeks so I'm obviously wanting to figure something out rather quickly.


Here is the pin in question (which is in place right now)



And here is where the pin is that appears to be loose and allowing the ejector pin and spring to come out.




Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Smack the ends of the holes with a pin punch. Put the bolt on a piece of wood first, use a pointed punch and a small hammer, you won't hurt it. Just don't smack it like your trying to drive a rr spike in with one shot. All you need to do essentially is deform the i.d. of the hole so that the pin will have some tension on it. Your other option is getting another pin. You should be able to get a roll pin at Ace or Copper State that will work. I think it is a 1/16 pin.

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