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Let's not forget....11 years ago today

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Take some time today to remember those who lost their lives on 9/11. And thank God for those emergency rescue workers that did so much to save those not killed during the initial attack.


how the NY skyline used to look:


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I watched through that replay of a day this morning......and oh how bave those people were who went into harms way to save others.


Gave me that same gut feeling of how blessed we are and yet how much we have allowed to slip away from the days of my youth when life was so much simpler.....I wish my kids could grow up in the more simple life as I did.


God Bless America and the families of these fallen heros.

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Thanks Amanda for posting. Thoughts and prayers for all those families who lost loved ones, the volunteers, and those who are still fighting illnesses from that horrible day. God bless them all!



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Thank you to all the men and women who fight to keep out country safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes indeed. It was a sad day.


There was a secondary tragedy involved in 9/11. 350 of the ground zero rescue personnel have lost their lives to cancer and respiratory diseases because of the toxic conditions in which they worked. They lost their lives afterward, because of the lives they saved.

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Yes indeed. It was a sad day.


There was a secondary tragedy involved in 9/11. 350 of the ground zero rescue personnel have lost their lives to cancer and respiratory diseases because of the toxic conditions in which they worked. They lost their lives afterward, because of the lives they saved.


exactly....a real tragedy

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was just watching the news and explaining to the 7 year old what happened on that terrible day 11 years ago.

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And then, we get reminded that it ain't over with stunts like what happened yesterday at several US embassy's in the middle east. Time to stop shipping Ameican money to these countries.

I am pretty sure it is not just coincidence that this happened on 9/11

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And then, we get reminded that it ain't over with stunts like what happened yesterday at several US embassy's in the middle east. Time to stop shipping Ameican money to these countries.

I am pretty sure it is not just coincidence that this happened on 9/11


Exactly right. Why does the USA keep helping these countries that hate us???????? Let them fend for themselves, and reap what they sow. Take care of our own!

To think being nice to your enemies is going to win them over as friends is flawed foreign policy.

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