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I could see Monday was probly the only day i'd have to get a good deer hunt in this year, so i knew i wouldn't be choosey. I made the decision to shoot the first legal buck i saw. Got in the stand early and sat all morning. Only saw one doe. Broke for lunch, met the wife and kids at el rancho in payson, then went home to shower and change, and back in the stand by 3. Lightning chased me back to the truck immediately, where i waited out the storm. Back in the stand maybe around 4:30 or 5, i saw a couple of small bucks about a 100 yards away. I didn't look like they were going to come in range. I prayed, "Lord, turn those bucks my way, and help me make the shot." Less then an hour later, those bucks were 25 yards. I ranged the first one, a spike at 25 yards. He saw me move and took off. The second buck was nervous as chicken in a fox farm, but he couldnt' find me. He took a step right into a shooting lane, following the first buck, and i released. I heard a loud crack and swish; the shot was on the money. He piled up 40 yards away.


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