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Two nice dogs ---- FREE to good home

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My husband works at Boyce Thompson Arboretum and they have two abandoned dogs that have taken up shelter there. We need to find a good home for them. Can you help?



ABANDONED DOGS NEED A HOME! This pair of abandoned dogs needs a home - or homes, if we're unable to place them

together. The pair are lost or possibly abandoned, made their way here, and for the past week we’ve been providing food and water to this male german shepherd and his smaller (approximately 40-pound) female companion. The dogs are inseparable companions: the male german shepherd appears to have an injured leg, and his devoted female canine compadre won't leave his side.


For now they're living beneath a porch and have food and shelter – but what they truly need is a home, and an immediate visit to the veterinarian. Please help us find an adoptive home for these two - local shelters have no room. We're hoping you, our members, will help. Please call today and arrange to give these dogs a home – and then bring ‘em back here for dog walks over the next few years so our staff can see them again, knowing this sad story had a happy outcome? They appear to be friendly, middle-aged dogs - in need of a forever home where they can remain together. To adopt these dogs please call 520-689-2723 during daytime business hours 6am-3pm.


There are several people willing to donate money to help with any medical expenses for whoever adopts the dogs. We don't know exactly what's wrong with the male's leg, but don't let that keep you from adopting them.



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Surely with all the members we have, hopefully someone would take them or know someone who needs a couple companions of their own. I hope this ends in a happy ending for these two dogs. It's nice that the Arboretum have gave temporary shelter to these dogs.


Do we have any veterinarian members, that might be able to help, on this site? Please keep us informed.



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Great looking dogs! wish I could. we just got a couple dogs and don't have any more room. have you put them on craigslist? That's where I looked for mine.

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look like good dogs...be aware that there are people who will take free dogs and use them as bait for dog fighting! Hopefully you can find someone you know or at least can get a reference on.

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As you know by my previous post about my pups, (that all stayed) I now have seven in my home. I would love to take them but seven is more than we can handle as five are pups with one being rescued from a major intersection by my wife about 8 weeks ago. Wish you guys luck in finding a good home.

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Don't forget the German Shepard rescue societies. They would love to have such fine animals as these. As someone mentioned, beware of Craigslist...lots of sickos out there looking for bait dogs.


And if a guy named Michael Vick says he's interested....RUN!

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I would NOT put them on CL. I have been informed, many times over that dogs given away and been used as "practice" for fighting dogs.

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CL is fine. You just need to meet the people and feel them out. I got our second dog Otis on CL and he lives a pretty darn good life. Had never slept on a bed before, now he's a couch potato.


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CL is fine. You just need to meet the people and feel them out. I got our second dog Otis on CL and he lives a pretty darn good life. Had never slept on a bed before, now he's a couch potato.




LOL!! great pic and glad you gave a nice dog a great home!


fyi as an update on the two dogs this thread is about, they were taken by a volunteer to one of the valley humane society shelters. Both of them are getting the medical care they need and then they will work on getting them adopted out. I think they are at a "no kill" shelter and so they should eventually find some great homes for the dogs.

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