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coues addict

Typical or Nontypical

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Ok everybody, I got a question for ya.

You get drawn for your upcoming coues deer hunt and you hunt hard for several days. Then just when you thought you were going to head back to camp You spot two nice bucks. One a perfectly symetrical buck, The other a nontypical with all kinds of trash on his rack. You think they both would score about the same and they both are definitely shooters. Your not sure but you think they both might be book bucks. You are all alone so only one buck can be harvested.It`s definitely a win, win, situation! Which one would you shoot? :rolleyes:


I just thought this might be kind interesting Coues Addict

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Both of them. Ok no I wouldn't. I would take the non typical. I don't know why. I guess because I have never killed one yet.

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I would go for the non-typical for the simple reason that it is NON-typical. My chances of seeing another non-typical are less likely than seeing another typical in the future, so I would take the one when I had the chance.


Also, I just think it looks kind of cool when the racks have trash, palms, etc...


My $.02.... :rolleyes:





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I would take the Nontypical. I think they are more interesting to look at. Plus I don't see NT's very often. And it would be absolutely no contest if the NT had a droptine. Always wanted a buck like that.



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Mr. Hubbard

Thats a good one, it made me laugh,but, I forgot to mention in this senario that you are at least three miles from the nearest road in a wilderness area. Now whatcha gonna do? :rolleyes:


Coues Addict

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I would smoke the non-typ. I want some trashy bucks. Also I probably would have Lark with me so he would pack it out so it really doesnt matter how far from the road it was..........LOL.............I would bet Lark hasnt shot very many bucks close to the road anyway so he is used to the long pack outs. Thats another reason he has young strong kids to pack his deer out for him..............lol.......Allen Taylor..........

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Well, unbelievably i have had this senario played-out for me. My first trip to mexico a couple of years ago, i went with brad fulk to sonora to a ranch that had not been hunted in a long time....and i believed that, so i bought 2 tags...on the 3rd day we went into an area where one of the other guys in the group had just harvested a 130" buck the day before, we glassed up a non-typical buck under an oak tree 700 yards away and made a stalk on him. The buck dropped into a heavily wooded rough little canyon to bed and we could'nt find him, did not want to blow him out, so we waited and continued glassing, an hour or so later i glassed up a bedded buck 400 to 500 yards straight accross from us on top of a ridge, he looked average, i glassed around him and to his left about 75 yards feeding under an oak i saw a 3 point that i thought would go 110. He moved off down the ridge and we lost sight of him, decided to go after him since the non-typ. had'nt shown, but we did know he was even larger. We bee lined it towards the last spot we saw the 3 point and brad eventually found him bedded on the side of the ridge down canyon 1/4 mile from where we had last seen him..we closed distance and checked him out w/spotting scope, he was facing away from us, i liked him, the he turned his head and exposed a 4inch drop tine off the middle of left main beam, i shot him in his bed at 325 yards.The next day we went back looking for the big non-typical, before light we were in, could'nt locate him, so we split up after an hour or so i started moving back to where i had last seen brad which was in a saddle, as i approched the saddle, i caught movement down canyon, it was a buck unsure if it was the same big buck i took a quick look with my 15's which i quickly had set up, seeing he was more than big enough and not caring whether he was the exact same buck, when he stopped for a second to take a listen, i dropped him between the shoulder blades at 365 yards, he turned out to be the big non-typical, he's a non-typical 4x4 with 20" main beams and good mass, gross scored 127 and change. The 3 point with drop tine scored 116 and change..please don't hate me it was an absolute dream come true..have been hunting coues for many many years before going to mexicon and have been smoked by them many times..i have hesitated to tell this story before becasue i really am not into bragging or talking about my individual success, but brad fulk junst publishe an article on our hunt in this months trophy hunter mag. i did'nt even know he wrote story until i got my copy and was reading in bed that nite..anyway i was walking around in shock for a year easyily after that ....CB1....Bob Horchler

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Hey CB1

That was an awesome story, I am totally stoked, Jealous too! Man I can`t wait to find a copy of Trophy Hunter magazine to check out your hunt story.Can you tell us which Month it is on the actual Cover of the Magazine, March, April or what ?

Thanks, Coues Addict


P.S. Oh and how about some picks of your Bucks?

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Guest Ernesto C

Well I guess if any one of us is hunting in Mexico and have two tags we will shoot both. But if I'm in Az I will shoot the non typical (I'm in a December hunt) and on January I'll get the typical with my bow :rolleyes:


Ernesto C.

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Coues Addict, I don't have the ability to post the pictures on net....Look in the current issue of trophy hunter, just came out last week or something, and you can see the pic's..BH

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I have that issue of Trophy Hunter. I will call Rusty Hall (owner of the magazine) and ask him if he minds if I scan the pics and post it here. I doubt he will mind. There are some other great bucks shown in that article too.


Congrats on your exciting hunt Bob!!



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Great Amanda thanks...yea the big 3 point on the last page of that article is truly spectacular... i spent the first day of my hunt trying to get him, brad actually spotted him on the first morning standing on a wide open hillside chest deep in prickly pear, he gaves us a good look at him for about 3 or 4 minuets and then dove into a mesquite thicket, he was about 700 yards away, i never saw him come out of that thicket so i stayed there all day, got sunburned and never saw him again...we agreed that year his G-2's were over 12", and i think when he was killed the next year they were close to 13... i saw 4 different bucks including mine that would have made the book in 4 days...we saw 175 deer over 50% bucks between our 2 groups the first day..BH

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