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coues addict

Typical or Nontypical

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that last one was me.. nothin better than usin company time to maintain motivation -mike-

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Guest Ernesto C

Wow!!CB1,Impressive a once in a life time hunt congrats. A dream come true,beatifull. God bless you a lot more.


Thanks Amanda for posting those pictures and thanks also to Rusty Hall for letting us enjoy CB1 success.


Ernesto C.

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Wow, Bob, awesome bucks, man you put the hurt on those two beauties. Thanks for shareing that story with us. Believe it or not there is not one store in my podock town that carries Trophy Hunter magazine so I have been going crazy waiting to see your pictures. Thanks Amanda for posting those beauties. Bob "You are the Man", " Were not worthy. Were not worthy". Thanks again Coues Addict

Edited by coues addict

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Amanda, thanks you for posting the pictures, i feel like i should be contributing more to this site, and i'll try harder in the future, you've done a great thing here with this site.

Ernesto, thanks for the mucho blessings, but i am truly blessed by my children and wife,but a little extra can't hurt.

Coues Addict, you'r as worthy as me or anyone else,i have harvested several coues deer, but truly wanted a crack at some unspoiled country and deer and i got lucky.

Alan, Brad was great. I need it to be known that i would not have known about this ranch or Brad Fulk if it were'nt for Vince Watts, he turned me on to Brad and i followed up on the lead and committed after talking to Brad for awhile, and this was one of the times where everything i was told was true, and it worked out like a dream. I mean i know we all sit and dream about situations like this or about being in some remote area and glassing up a 130 buck, or a 420 bull, 250 non typical mulie, but it can and does happen, so i keep dream'in and tryin.

I don't consider myself to be a great coues hunter, i'm definetly a work in progress and will be for the rest of my life, mostly because i don't have the time to be great, i love these deer and the country they live in and i will continue to hunt the as long as possible. Guys like Vince Watts, Larry Knipp, Dan King, Jim Reynolds, Larry Kindred, and many more i don't even know about are my bench mark, they consistenly harvest great bucks any time of year, year in year out....i got a long, long way to go. The year that i went on the hunt i could afford to go, but it was a stretch...so i decided to go, as i might not be able to get another chance, i could'nt afford to do it right now, some i'm glad i did it.

Coues Addict, e-mail me with your name and address and i'll go buy you a copy of trophy hunter and send it to you, and you can subscribe...heidi.horchler@cox.net....BH

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Definately the non typ. I've never killed a coues (going this year to nm). I've never had the chance to harvest a regular whitetail non-typ here in Ok. I killed my biggest deer to date this year at 131 with blackpowder,( I know its not that big for a whitetail) and you are talking about these dwarf deer bigger than this regular whitetail! I cannot wait to be in coues country. I've talked to a biologist in unit 23 and he said last year he was hunting up there and ran into "a ton of coueseys" to use his terminology. we will see......Sorry for that tangent...

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Hey Shiras,

Welcome to the C.W.T. forum. I hope You enjoy it as much as I do! I am going to New Mexico this year also. I may be in unit 23, but I will have to wait and see how I do in the draw. I hope you tie into a Coues buck " Maybe a huge nontypical " this year. I have never taken an eastern so 131" sounds like a pretty nice buck. Good Luck Coues Addict :ph34r:

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coues addict,

My comment on the 131 wasn't at all a statement of what I've accomplished, only comparing some of the coues that I've seen are bigger than him, which is unbelievable! I am SO excited about Nov.10-14 I just cannot stop prepping, thinking,and dreaming of it. I slipped away from my workstation to come get on the net to see any new posts, so I better get back to earning my $ and vacation time so I'll be sure to be able to go;] .Man I've got it bad.......

talk to you later-Shiras

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