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It's a beautiful video, but to tell you the truth, the slow motion gets to be really annoying after awhile.

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Thought it was pretty cool at first and then thought maybe he's losing his mind. Can you just cut down trees like that and who splits wood inside?

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This style of filming seems to be really getting popular. There are a lot of different angles shot that are not in usual film projects like on the ground when he is walking into the woods. The music is also part of this same film style, slow dubstep music or indie music is gaining in popularity in a lot of film projects. Here are some other examples of videos that are shot the same way.



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I thought it was done really well. But I found the whole thing a little contrived. I suspect they changed the theme of the film to "I gotta go home and be with my kid" once they realized they weren't going to kill an elk. Especially considering that the guy is heading to the arctic for more than one hunt in the next week or so. I mean, what's he going to do next year when his kid is a year old and he REALLY might miss something. Still, very well done, and entertaining for a bit. But I agree with Desert Bull, a little too much slow mo of the same action over and over from different angles... then all that and didn't even really show a bull.

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Did it show any animals?

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I really thought it was entertaining and I enjoyed it but maybe if he spent less time setting up elaborate camera angles and more time hunting maybe he would have been able to get an elk or at least get one on camera. I enjoy watching some of these videos but it seems like they let the video take away from the hunting experience.

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Just my opinion but I thought it brought a great perspective to what we do and some of the the things that we fight in our mind while away doing what we love. I thought it showed a real life approach to hunting and the struggles each hunter that has a family faces each time they step in the woods. He is a creative guy for sure!

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I think it's a great video. I don't think he had any intention to kill a bull in this video, just wanted to share the struggles that anyone of us on this site that has a child or family goes through and the struggles of a new father giving up his first love of hunting and changing his priorities. It keeps your attention the whole way through.

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