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busted up ram

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that is caused by knocking heads with other rams.


nice pics. thanks for sharing.

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Sinusitis as a result of bot fly infection. Causes sloughing of horns.

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A bigger Ram? Looks like he's on the downhill side.

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Awesome pictures.

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+1 on sinusitis. My brothers ram from 15CN several years back had the same condition and looked similar to this ram. Most of your one horned rams you see got the raw end of sinusitis.

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that is caused by knocking heads with other rams.

It's actually caused by sinusitus as mentioned above. Rams here in Southern NV get it pretty bad. I've been told it will eventually kill the ram as the bot flies get inside their skull.

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Sinusitis as a result of bot fly infection. Causes sloughing of horns.


Thx Mr Smith - learn something new all the time.

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