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6b help!!

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Heading out on my first antelope hunt ever!! And to make it a little more difficult its archery! Since im only 15 and neither my dad or i have hunted these species, Just wondered if i could get a little advice for the hunt or some tips would be great!



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Cutting it close on asking for help man.

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i to am 15 and had a archery hunt in 19A. I just got back from the hunt and got one on the last day. So excited and the hunt i will tell you is a blast. Especially if it is father and son. Be prepared to take some time of off school. hahhah I hunted the opening weekend friday saturday sunday and monday, went back to school then came back on friday and hunted until sunday when i got mine. Tips for you is yes be sneaky if plan on spot and stalking. As for scent dont worry those antelope in 19A are all about eye sight. They catch every single movement from hundreds of yards away and i would be bearly moving. But what worked best for me is either a fence crossing or water. Since it is as hot as it is in az those antelope can pretty much be watering once a day or every other day unless a huge monsoon comes in. Then they get some of there water from grasses they eat. If that happens they might go to water even wider spands. So i hope you have been scouting and looking at the water situation cause that might be the key. Or go find a fence crossing where they are using it every day to travel to water. For setting up a blind do it like 2 hours before daylight or night before. That way cows or horses dont go and destroy it. When sitting in blind key is to be ready at all times. Those antelope come in super fast and are very jitery when it comes to water. They have a tendency to jump the string as one did for me. I would suggest to aim lower third of body that way if they do jump you still hit high lungs if they dont u hit the heart. When you are sitting in the blind and antelope come in dont move. I swear they see you through the blind. Just move to pull back and shoot. As for a fence crossing the buck always goes last in line as from experience watching them. Last words of advice are BE PATIENT and DONT get caught in full drawn. Hope this advice helps and have a blast. Post pics when you are done with hunt.



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Oh yeah some other advice i hope you have been practicing out to 80 yards. That might be as close as you get with a antelope spot and stalking. And for distance when setting up blind on fence crossing or water, i would put the blind about 30 to 40 yards away that is my comfortable zone but it seems that the antelope are more calm when they come in. Have fun.



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I saw a couple of pronghorn bucks and about 8 does at the north end of Fry Park near FR. 535 and 535C last September during the archery elk hunt. I never saw them out in the park, they seemed to hang more in the open timber.


I almost got run over by the 2 bucks as I was walking back to camp. It sounded like a horse galloping up behind me, I turned around and saw a big lope hot on the trail of a smaller buck. They passed by at 10 yards going full speed, it was cool.


Good luck on your hunt.

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If you can find a water hole that they are using, set up a blind at least 20 yards away. At least in 19a, after a few hours they seemd to get used to it. Make sure all the side and back windows are closed so you don't get back lit. As far as aiming low for string jump, don't do it unless the goat is nervous. If he is not nervous, you should not have to worry about string jump. Also, if you can find a fence crossing that seems to have good traffic, set up a camera and maybe a blind. Good luck!



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