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Unfortunately, I can't bring myself to laugh at them ... they are destroying the fabric of the Greatest Nation in History. I can't even listen to the "Demander and Thief" without my blood coming to a boil. The man is an absolute menace ... and the fact that there are so many people out there still willing to stand behind him makes it obvious that there is something severely wrong with the educational (or is it indoctrinational) system in this Nation.


When my son was in the Fourth Grade, his OBVIOUSLY LIBERAL teacher taught that the First Amendment gives us the "right to free speech, just as long as what we say doesn't hurt anyone else's feelings." She also said the Second Amendment gives "people who have a license the right to own a firearm". And folks ... this is an ARIZONA SCHOOL. Imagine what they are teaching in California, Massachusetts, Illinois, and some of the other Left Wing Hot Beds.


It is time for the people who love the foundation of this Nation to stand up and be heard. November is a start ... but we have to make that start count. If we don't get rid of "Dope and Change" we are ROYALLY SCREWED!!!!!

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If they are not paying attention to what is happening, they are as big a part of the problem as the SO CALLED MEDIA and the INDOCTRINATORS (people who pass themselves off as educators ... not all mind you ... you know who you are) in our educational system.

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Although you are right on many of the late night shows being left winged and liberal based, even those guys are starting to make jokes and cheap shots at the liberal side. Maybe 'change' is forthcoming... The right kind of change!


My favorite slogan is "I'm supposed to care more about what Mitt Romney does with his money, than what Obama does with mine?"


I pay about $1,300 a month in federal income tax, and I absolutely HATE that it does to fund the dumb shitt that Obama does with it. I would rather donate, burn, flush down the toilet, helll even blow my nose on that money than let Obama get his hands on it and do what he does with it.

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ICE agent files and their union suit yesterday against the Feds over their backdoor amnesty.

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ICE agent files and their union suit yesterday against the Feds over their backdoor amnesty.


I was hoping that somebody would start standing up for something in that department.


Nothing like being told to take care of the border and then having cuffs slapped on so you can't do your job.

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Although you are right on many of the late night shows being left winged and liberal based, even those guys are starting to make jokes and cheap shots at the liberal side. Maybe 'change' is forthcoming... The right kind of change!


My favorite slogan is "I'm supposed to care more about what Mitt Romney does with his money, than what Obama does with mine?"


I pay about $1,300 a month in federal income tax, and I absolutely HATE that it does to fund the dumb shitt that Obama does with it. I would rather donate, burn, flush down the toilet, helll even blow my nose on that money than let Obama get his hands on it and do what he does with it.


Welcome to the life of being a single, childless adult with a good paying job. just wait until they take away your mortgage interest deduction. best advice for you is to get in touch with a tax advisor ASAP to find out how to reduce your federal income tax liability.

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Obama and Rahm and Axlerod ..you got some 'splainin to do.


Wonder how much of this tax payer money ended right back in Obama's campaign fund?



...Exelon’s top executives were early and frequent supporters of Mr. Obama as he rose from the Illinois State Senate to the White House. John W. Rogers Jr., a friend of the president’s and one of his top fund-raisers, is an Exelon board member. David Axelrod, Mr. Obama’s longtime political strategist, once worked as an Exelon consultant, and Rahm Emanuel, the Chicago mayor and Mr. Obama’s former chief of staff, helped create the company through a corporate merger in 2000 while working as an investment banker….
Exelon, which provides power to more than 6.6 million customers in at least 16 states and the District of Columbia, was chosen as one of only six electric utilities nationwide for the maximum $200 million stimulus grant from the Energy Department. And when the Treasury Department granted loans for renewable energy projects, Exelon landed a commitment for up to $646 million allowing it, on extremely generous financial terms, to finance one of the world’s largest photovoltaic solar projects.

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Although you are right on many of the late night shows being left winged and liberal based, even those guys are starting to make jokes and cheap shots at the liberal side. Maybe 'change' is forthcoming... The right kind of change!


My favorite slogan is "I'm supposed to care more about what Mitt Romney does with his money, than what Obama does with mine?"


I pay about $1,300 a month in federal income tax, and I absolutely HATE that it does to fund the dumb shitt that Obama does with it. I would rather donate, burn, flush down the toilet, helll even blow my nose on that money than let Obama get his hands on it and do what he does with it.


Welcome to the life of being a single, childless adult with a good paying job. just wait until they take away your mortgage interest deduction. best advice for you is to get in touch with a tax advisor ASAP to find out how to reduce your federal income tax liability.


Minus the fact that I'm not what I call single nor childless....

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I’m pretty sure Congress has the “power of the purse,” meaning they have the sole power to appropriate funds for the other two branches. I’m pretty sure Congress passed “Obamacare” too. Obama just signed it.


I don’t mind paying taxes. I consider it serving my country. If anything our government does is “socialized” then I’m pretty proud of our “socialized” military (especially our “socialized” snipers). They do some REALLY good work. I like our “socialized” Border Patrol too.


I concede, however, that I may have been brainwashed by my “socialized” public school teacher. (She did teach me that you can’t start a sentence with “and” or “but”, that was totally wrong.)


But, as Thomas Jefferson allegedly said: The tax which will be paid for the purpose of education is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance


I’m not a Commie. In words attributed to John Kenneth Galbraith, “Where the market works, I’m for that. Where the government is necessary, I’m for that. I’m deeply suspicious of somebody who says, “I’m in favor of privatization,” or, “I’m deeply in favor of public ownership.” I’m in favor of whatever works in the particular case.”


There are many situations where the market works splendidly. And I’m all for it. There are some situations where the government in necessary. I’m all for that too. It doesn't have to be an either/or proposition.

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Unfortunately, I can't bring myself to laugh at them ... they are destroying the fabric of the Greatest Nation in History. I can't even listen to the "Demander and Thief" without my blood coming to a boil. The man is an absolute menace ... and the fact that there are so many people out there still willing to stand behind him makes it obvious that there is something severely wrong with the educational (or is it indoctrinational) system in this Nation.


When my son was in the Fourth Grade, his OBVIOUSLY LIBERAL teacher taught that the First Amendment gives us the "right to free speech, just as long as what we say doesn't hurt anyone else's feelings." She also said the Second Amendment gives "people who have a license the right to own a firearm". And folks ... this is an ARIZONA SCHOOL. Imagine what they are teaching in California, Massachusetts, Illinois, and some of the other Left Wing Hot Beds.


It is time for the people who love the foundation of this Nation to stand up and be heard. November is a start ... but we have to make that start count. If we don't get rid of "Dope and Change" we are ROYALLY SCREWED!!!!!


Great post - I agree completely.

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Gov't is necessary, as are taxes. A gov't that contends they must lead you by the hand, from womb to tomb is not needed.


Cops, military, schools, etc are not socialism. Not even close.


Socialism -

  • A political and economic theory of that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated..."from each according to ability, to each according to needs"
  • (in Marxist theory) A transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.

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