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Before the hunt - Plan ahead!!!!

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As hunting season rolls around I thought I would remind everybody that part of your preseason prepping should include a visit or phone call to whatever Taxidermist you may use this year. Especially if you have never hunted, harvested or had a mount done before, if you have a tag you need to plan ahead. If you are using a new taxidermist this year be sure to check with them as they may want things done differently than the last. Your Taxidermist will have the ability to answer all your questions ahead of time.


Questions like.....


What type of mounts are available for the animal I am hunting?


How do I skin my deer, bear, bobcat, elk, ect.....for the type of mount I want?


Should I skin/gut my small mammals/birds/fish if I'm planning a mount?


How do I protect the velvet on an early season buck?


Whats the best way to keep my skin cold in the field?


How much time do I have on a hot day to get my skin to you?


What are your hours? What if I get in from the field late at night?


This is just a sample of possible questions that you should have the answers to before you go into the field. All taxidermists will have their own way of doing things, so there is not one answer to these questions. This will be time well spent, when your Taxidermist is able to return a well made mount because he/she received a good quality specimen.


Good Luck and Happy Hunting


Dale & Heather

Wild Heritage Taxidermy

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Here is a post we made a couple of seasons ago regarding what choices you have for preserving the velvet on your bucks, http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/20386-velvet-antlers/ going back and reading it I realized I didn't cover what to do from time of harvest till you get them to your Taxidermist. Here is the info you need now.....


Velvet is a thin layer of "skin" that provides the blood supply for the antlers to grow. It is very delicate. It can easily be scraped, torn, rubbed off, or bruised. It will also spoil just like your cape. So for your best chance of protecting it....


First do not handle your velvet any more than absolutely needed. The heat from your hands is detrimental and the twisting motion from trying to move a buck by his antlers will loosen the velvet.


Do not put your tag on the velvet, adhesive and velvet do not mix!


Getting your cape and antlers cool as quickly as possible is very important, plan ahead, get a large enough ice chest with enough frozen water bottles to put inside of the cape and around the head. Support the antlers with a towel, t shirt, ect. to protect them from banging or rubbing on the ice chest.


We always prefer to cape your buck for you. If you plan to use us as your taxidermist please skin the the deer to the back of the skull and remove the head, we will skin it off the face. Do not cut up the back of the neck(or the front), tube it like a sock. Here is a link for more detailed skinning instructions http://www.wildheritagetaxidermy.com/Services_Prices.html


Go directly to your taxidermist or to a freezer! Do not go to the meat cutters, do not drive around to all the other camps in the area showing off your trophy.


If you have more questions call your taxidermist or stop by their shop so they can show you how they want it done.


Good Luck, Happy Hunting


Dale & Heather

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