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I still have not heard of anyone getting charges for Buff or Bighorn have any of you?? I think there is still some drawing to be done--keep the chins up!!

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Finally got thru to credit card co. pending charges of $12.50(archery javelina) And $78.00

Elk??? or 4 of us put in for general deer($78.00),It's one or the other, hoping and praying 4a archery bull :ph34r:

Looks like a no go on the antelope!!!

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I hate to be the one to burst bubbles here guys but I called TN. I got an IT guy on night shift and it seems there been yet another f-up. I guess there was a computer glinch and they started charging un-successful applicants. The guy said with the system they use its just a little toggle button someone didn't click on. They said that it won't be any big deal to re-emburse everyone but he said and I quote "The damage has already been done". Again, Sorry guys.

























































Congrats to all you lucky tag holders.

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Good Luck Arizona Residents


What, and us non-residents can go pound sand? :ph34r: :)


Seriously though, I hope there's no animosity towards non-residents in the woods this year, now that things are back the way they should be with a 10% non-res cap. Almost none of us I knew of supported a no cap for non-residents, or the crap USO was pulling. Too bad, it could be a while before the damage that outfit did is repaired. All I know is I spent the first 18 years of my life in Northern AZ until I joined the military, and am now stuck in the People's Republic of Kalifornia caring for an elderly parent. It makes me cringe to drive through the Arizona outdoors with Kalifornia plates. You have no idea. :lol:


But, come Oct or Nov, I'll be there nonetheless, taking my son hunting elk out of the same elk camp where my father took me hunting for elk almost 25 years ago. Actually got all misty eyed this morning during my commute after I found out we got drawn thinking about it. Wish my old man was still here to see it.

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donniedent you got me good and that's all that needs to be said. :ph34r:


Only 93 tags for bighorn sheep and 8 for buffalo, nobody knows anybody with these tags yet?? If you have a tag it's alright to admit it, you'll probably only get to do it once...

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I checked with the CC company early today and was told that I had 2 pending charges - one for $39 and one for $19.50. At first I couldn't figure it out. Then I realized I had a buddy on my deer app so two deer tags equals $39 (WT in Dec or Nov). Then I thought, "What the heck is the other $19.50 charge about?" Almost as an afterthought, I had put my wife in for Kaibab Carp hunts 12A- East (1st choice) and 12A-West (2nd choice) figuring she would get some bonus points. These were 2% and 4% draws last year. Since they're the only deer hunts I put her in for, she must have drawn 1 of them. She has awesome luck on the draw. Last year she and my son were drawn for 31 Dec. WT the first time they had ever applied (an 8% draw).

No other pending charges. I ain't complaining.


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LOL... I couldn't help myself....LOL


Oh yeah it was actually a girl and she said her name was....




(singing....) T E double N E double S double E G.....I......R.....L!!!!!!


I'm out guys..... I don't open my gifts till Christmas morning.



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I'm sending you my Emergency Room bill! :lol:


Funny, I've got my 13 year old next to me here playing video games. I've got him out for the summer from Kansas. He's been playing all these racing and star wars games non stop on his play station since he's been here. Tonight I informed him he got an elk tag, probably a cow tag. Now he's got "Cableas Big Game Hunter" on and is chasing poor cow elk all over the place. :ph34r:


Don't know who's more excited, him or me. What's nice is we had already planned and are leaving in one week for 10 days of camping and shooting out of the same camp we'll be hunting elk out of this fall. Scouting time!

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I got a sweet call today from my uncle. Looks like we have been hit up for archery bull tags too!!!! 3 ELK TAGS IN A ROW!!!! All I can think of is NICCCCCCCCCCE!!!!! I am due for another dinker 330-350 bull!!!!




I knew that entire swapping antelope bonus points for elk bonus points would work out!!!!



Bret M.

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Congrats Brett and that's a dandy bull you harvested last year! I also found out I got my third bull tag in a row I just don't know what hunt..

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Just got this email from the Yahoo's in Tennesee.


Hopefully, it's just the "standard response".






The draw results should be available online on August 1st. If I could be of any further assistance, please feel free to ask.




Kevin Montigny


Automated License Systems



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