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Scouting for a December Hunt

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Ok guys and Gals im gonna throw this out to see the replys. I know my answer allready how hard are you gonna scout for a december tag? Go out from time to time or check whos looking at your big bucks on every hunt?

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Not sure what you are asking for - I'm sure you can get some good advice here, but your initial question isn't very clear.

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well coach i was was trying to start a small debate no advice. iwas wondering how many people will still be out every weekend till december hunt opens or if they wil just go out from time to time. due to the other hunts taking place prior to the december hunt

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I'm sure answers will vary. I have the late Nov/early Dec hunt. I don't have time to be out there constantly...work and life get in the way. I'll be out from time to time and hopefully more frequently as it gets closer to the hunt. Good luck to everyone...wish I had that later Dec hunt! :)

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  On 8/11/2012 at 2:07 PM, huntjunkie said:

IF you had a Dec Coues hunt when would you start scouting?


Right now..the sooner the better.


Ernesto C :)

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A lot may depend if you have hunted the unit before and know the access roads and terrain. If in a new unit, after a lot of map and google earth viewing, maybe a few trips to check what various spots are like, but not necessarily to locate a big buck (still glass at sunrise/sunset though from a better spot located from the daytime scouting). A trip or two during an earlier hunt(s) to see where hunters congregate and may have a greater effect upon buck population. As the season gets close and a good spot chosen, than start looking for a good buck.


If the December hunt is in a familiar unit, I would start looking for a buck in late summer before the October hunt and when they are relatively undisturbed, and hope it makes it through the hunt seasons prior to December.


Also, how much scouting is done may depend upon how far away from the unit you live, other obligations, and how much pressure you put on yourself to find a big trophy buck.

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For me, any excuse to get out is a good excuse so I do as much scouting as possible regardless of which hunt I have. However, if my tag was in December i might spend a little more time in Sept listening to elk bugle and shoot a few more squirrels in Oct.

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  On 8/11/2012 at 2:32 PM, Red Rabbit said:

A lot may depend if you have hunted the unit before and know the access roads and terrain. If in a new unit, after a lot of map and google earth viewing, maybe a few trips to check what various spots are like, but not necessarily to locate a big buck (still glass at sunrise/sunset though from a better spot located from the daytime scouting). A trip or two during an earlier hunt(s) to see where hunters congregate and may have a greater effect upon buck population. As the season gets close and a good spot chosen, than start looking for a good buck.


If the December hunt is in a familiar unit, I would start looking for a buck in late summer before the October hunt and when they are relatively undisturbed, and hope it makes it through the hunt seasons prior to December.


Also, how much scouting is done may depend upon how far away from the unit you live, other obligations, and how much pressure you put on yourself to find a big trophy buck.

Great reply Doug.

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When I had my December hunt in 09 we knew the unit decently not great but okay. Bought a couple topos from USFS, BLM and checked out every range in the unit over 2 or 3 weekends. We then decided on what had the "ideal" coues habitat and went with that. There were other little ranges on the map that held good coues but it would be a tough strait up hike once you walked a mile through the mesquite/creosote flats. We will probably give that a whirl next time having more experience better gear and so fourth.

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Like has been said, a lot has to do with what unit you draw. For example, I have had 2 36b December tags. I have hunted this unit a lot over the past few years so have a decent grasp on it. A few buddies have shown me some excellent spots that I was not aware of, but had my favorite places that I would check for nice bucks.



I had two guys hunting with me a few years ago and I spent a lot of time (what I consider a lot of time anyways) scouting for their hunt... I had 4 90"+ bucks located before there hunt... I KNOW two of them died opening weekend, one I could never find, and one I found and the guy couldn't find it in his scope for 2 hours before he walked over the hill.

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Heys thanks for the cool responses,I was fortunate enough to draw a december tag and know the unit very well. This will be my first late season tag Since it was a multi unit tag and they couldnt give them away. I have five sons so we try to get two tags per hunt that way we are not trying to find six coues at a time ,i have a tough time finding one.so usually i am out there from october through december.I usually start glassing at the end of august and go out when time and money permit,even though Ihave a deceber tag I am not going to change anything.

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Opening day of Deer season would be my first really day of scouting... every day before that really doesn't matter much as soo much is changing and new deer will more through as the hunt progresses...

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  On 8/13/2012 at 3:01 PM, Coues said:

Opening day of Deer season would be my first really day of scouting... every day before that really doesn't matter much as soo much is changing and new deer will more through as the hunt progresses...


Yep, any scouting before hand would be to just familliarize yourself with roads and terrain...and to enjoy that warm fuzzy feeling knowing the tag is in your pocket! For the first or second hunts, scouting for certain bucks is much more worthwhile.

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take a day or two off before the hunt, set up camp, scout for a day & 1/2. if this was a october/november hunt.


But since this is a December hunt, you have plenty of days to hunt, no real need for scouting.

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