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36C help.

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Don't have time to scout. Would really like all your good spots, preferablly areas with 100 inch or better. Don't want no dinks. Feel free to PM those coordinates. Only your best areas please, because I don't want to waste my time.

God Bless America,



P.S. Please don't say look at the GF web site for unit info. That is real lazy on your part.

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Piggy backing on what Brian said, walk the top of the mountains, theres a fence line. Make sure to stay about a mile or so west of the fence line.

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Piggy backing on what Brian said, walk the top of the mountains, theres a fence line. Make sure to stay about a mile or so west of the fence line.




Lots of nice bucks west of that fence.

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OK, got you guys. west of the fence is the place for the bigguns! Got me real excited. Now which one of you hot shots is going to guide me west of the fence? Packhorse could you pack me in? Casey if you wore your BP uniform could we maybe get some big ones west of that fence? Possible chopper support couldn't hurt right. Glad you guys are on my team. Sweet.

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Alright BIG Orange welcome to the team. My success is your success right?

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Watch out ! There's Wolves in the Shadows on the other side that fence ! :ph34r: :ph34r:


Yeah but those wolves are tracking coyotes, not deer...

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Bob, have no fear! About 10 years ago, give or take I met a man who was a fully trained Shadow Wolf Team Member Guy. They smell the wind and follow tracks for miles.


Does this mean I too can join the team?


Big Bucks, Big Bucks Baby!


It's not what you know, it's who you know! Put me on "The Team" Bob!


Disclaimer..... I'm committed to help on the 2nd Jr. Hunt (my boys), Early Archery (one of my boys), the Oct WT (Nelson), both Nov WT (women's camp 1rst & Daughter + good friend 2nd hunt) and the December Rifle Whitetail hunt. (Angie).


I'm assuming you have the early Jr Hunt and therefore I'll be a great asset to "The Team"!


I won't let you down Bob.

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If you are really pressed for time, go to MP 37.5 and turn right. Go about 1/4 mile and they will be on the south side of the road. Their tails may look a little funny with a little black tip, but they will be 100 +.

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why did you put in for 36c, you should have put in for 22 best unit in the state and i could give you some spots!!

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