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This is my favorite view of him. It is actually quartering towards him but is by far the best angle. You can't tell from the picture but he is done on a wall pedestal form. CB


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THAT is a beautiful mount! Who's the taxi? Whoever it is did a great job! Thanks, JIM>


BTW......I think that might have to be your new avatar!


never mind.....you changed your avatar just as I posted that! :lol:

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Awesome looking mount SunDevil. He looks ALIVE! Your taxidermist did a super job. How about a couple more pics with different angles.

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Outstanding mount Sundevil! Please post the field pic of him again as well so we can view both together. As I recall, it was a great field pic. Love those kickers!





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Awesome deer! Whats the story? Did I miss it some time back? ;)

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There are some field pics on the 4th page of the NM photogallery. It also has the link to the write up I sent Amanda. There is also some video of him in the video clips section. Thanks and enjoy! CB

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Here is the angle my buddy really likes. He says it makes the left main beam look really big. Also, you can see all the skin rolls in his neck from turning to the left. CB


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dang.....that is a great mount! There is alot of work that goes into a mount that most people don't see, and it shows that your taxi knew what he was doin'! Who did the work? JIM>

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Wow, I'll echo that on the taxidermy work. Beautiful job! Man, it's almost time to go get another one.



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