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2012 Weight loss thread

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Hit 201.8 yesterday, was 202.2 today. Hopefully back in the 201s in the morning. Getting to 200 has been a battle.

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did the day one intro to crossfit today.... holy crap.... that was insane.....


next intro class starts Sept 4th.


ill pop in the class again for a modified workout before then.

did you do the baseline test today? run 400 meters , 40 air squats, 30 situps,20 pushups, 10 pull ups all for time?

Today our wod( workout of the day) was extreme

5 rounds for time;

deadlift 225lbs 12 reps

20 pull ups

clean and jerk 135lbs 12 reps

knees to elbows 20 reps (while hanging from pull up bar)

That is 100 pull ups, 60 deadlifts,60 clean and jerks,100 knees to elbows. all for time.ouch

that was the rx weight, all movements and weights can be scaled if needed. My arms have been sore all day , not all of the wods are this difficult.

stick with crossfit , after the first week the soreness wont be bad, the results are amazing

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did the day one intro to crossfit today.... holy crap.... that was insane.....


next intro class starts Sept 4th.


ill pop in the class again for a modified workout before then.

did you do the baseline test today? run 400 meters , 40 air squats, 30 situps,20 pushups, 10 pull ups all for time?

Today our wod( workout of the day) was extreme

5 rounds for time;

deadlift 225lbs 12 reps

20 pull ups

clean and jerk 135lbs 12 reps

knees to elbows 20 reps (while hanging from pull up bar)

That is 100 pull ups, 60 deadlifts,60 clean and jerks,100 knees to elbows. all for time.ouch

that was the rx weight, all movements and weights can be scaled if needed. My arms have been sore all day , not all of the wods are this difficult.

stick with crossfit , after the first week the soreness wont be bad, the results are amazing


:o :( That's nothing this 61 yr old could even think about but back in my day I would smoke that. For all of you that are working out and getting ready for the upcoming seasons I take my hat off to each of you. Keep up the good work. :)



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did the day one intro to crossfit today.... holy crap.... that was insane.....


next intro class starts Sept 4th.


ill pop in the class again for a modified workout before then.

did you do the baseline test today? run 400 meters , 40 air squats, 30 situps,20 pushups, 10 pull ups all for time?

Today our wod( workout of the day) was extreme

5 rounds for time;

deadlift 225lbs 12 reps

20 pull ups

clean and jerk 135lbs 12 reps

knees to elbows 20 reps (while hanging from pull up bar)

That is 100 pull ups, 60 deadlifts,60 clean and jerks,100 knees to elbows. all for time.ouch

that was the rx weight, all movements and weights can be scaled if needed. My arms have been sore all day , not all of the wods are this difficult.

stick with crossfit , after the first week the soreness wont be bad, the results are amazing


The basline day one test was run 400 meters.


5 sets of

7 ring hangs

9 push ups

15 squats

5:01 with my bum ankle. Not great but I did feel it was okay. There were some 7-8 minute male times on the wall.


here is a pic from 3 mondays ago to last monday... dropped from 226 down to 208.1 as of this morning. not a lot of difference but getting there.

Not this monday but maybe next monday ill see 199.99999 LOL



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That' s awesome keep up the hard work , it will pay off , diet is a huge part ofit

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VJ - Thanks for the info on the boot. The calf is feeling somewhat better today, at least I can walk without a limp, so I may be back in the game next week. I will let you know if it lingers and I think I need to try something new. Thanks again.

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Theres a lot of difference there! 18 pounds is a HUGE accomplishment, especially after seeing pictures of the ankle!



You're losing your Dunlop!


I would be dropping weight big time if I could control what I eat! I have ZERO self control when it does to food!

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I would be dropping weight big time if I could control what I eat! I have ZERO self control when it does to food!


That is my problem, I love food.

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The one thing I found that helped control my appetite was the HCG diet. It was/is SO DAMNN EXPENSIVE that if I cheated, I felt like I was giving away my $330/month or what ever it was costing me.


I also had a few extra bucks in the bank because I was not stopping and spending money while at work.

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Thanks guys, Its def. hard dieting. I love food. I cook and use my smoker a lot so eating well, hand in hand with loving to cook.


Its been way harder to stay even remotely in shape since my ankles but Ill get back there.


Im like you, I eat when bored and not doing much. Like sitting around, driving, whatever....


time to keep that changed. I weighed in at 207.4 this morning. I know bad for me to weigh in evryday but I still do it. it frustrates me if I dont drop but It pushes me to work out a bit more to guarantee a drop... maybe with luck Ill see 204.XX for my monday morning weigh in... we will see.

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That' s awesome keep up the hard work , it will pay off , diet is a huge part ofit


I never thought the simplest of speed tests could kill me like that....

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200.4 today, is tomorrow under 200 day? Hoping, JLG.

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I'd been interested in CrossFit as well. I had run a couple of marathons and had put off playing basketball while I was training. Was jonesing to play after the 08 Houston Marathon and wouldn't you know it the first time out, I felt some popping sensation when I was boxing out, grab the board and without being touched, my knee seized up as I pulled up for a jumper. Turns out that I had somehow scalped a huge chunk of cartilage off my knee, tore my meniscus, and the cartilage got lodged in the joint. Freak injury. So I had microfracture where they scope the knee and drill little holes into the bone so that marrow and blood seep out to form scar tissue to essentially replace the functionality of the missing cartilage. Downside is that my lesion was at the size that microfracture begins to lose effectiveness.


I ended up running the 2010 half just to prove that I could ... but that was somewhat bittersweet. Great that I did it, but also came to the stark realization that I would just be a plodder. Part of the fun of running was getting faster and I just couldn't run enough / hard enough to get better. Impact is the enemy b/c the microfracture repair site isn't exactly durable. It swells normally and at the end of a race like that, I can't even put any weight on it. So i gave up running. But I miss competition. Crossfit seems like a cool community, just afraid of how much impact I could expect.


Been staying in shape lifiting weights by myself (wish i had a spotter). At 168 ish, I'm the heaviest I've ever been, but also the strongest I've ever been. Can't max out b/c no spotter, but I can put up a set of 10 reps at 195 and finish with 5 at 205. Not bad in terms of %tage of bodyweight. But still missing something ... Love competition.


The one cool thing about hunting is I like to think that my dad at 75 is still motivated to stay in shape to be able to get up and over some of these mountains. He still lifts weights and says he can carry his deer out himself this year if i don't make it back. "If you don't use it, you lose it," he always told me and still lives by that motto. Certainly an inspiration to me and my kids. I like to think that between bowling nationals together and deer hunting, he has great incentive to stay in shape.


One other thing. I can vouch for Weight Watchers. One of the most sensible diet plans out there that becomes a lifestyle as it teaches portion control. My wife had lost 30+ pounds after the kids with it, then picked up triathlons and did marathons with me once she got down (and started from scratch). Crazy what you can do when you put your mind to it.


Good luck to all with meeting your goals.

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I'd been interested in CrossFit as well. I had run a couple of marathons and had put off playing basketball while I was training. Was jonesing to play after the 08 Houston Marathon and wouldn't you know it the first time out, I felt some popping sensation when I was boxing out, grab the board and without being touched, my knee seized up as I pulled up for a jumper. Turns out that I had somehow scalped a huge chunk of cartilage off my knee, tore my meniscus, and the cartilage got lodged in the joint. Freak injury. So I had microfracture where they scope the knee and drill little holes into the bone so that marrow and blood seep out to form scar tissue to essentially replace the functionality of the missing cartilage. Downside is that my lesion was at the size that microfracture begins to lose effectiveness.


I ended up running the 2010 half just to prove that I could ... but that was somewhat bittersweet. Great that I did it, but also came to the stark realization that I would just be a plodder. Part of the fun of running was getting faster and I just couldn't run enough / hard enough to get better. Impact is the enemy b/c the microfracture repair site isn't exactly durable. It swells normally and at the end of a race like that, I can't even put any weight on it. So i gave up running. But I miss competition. Crossfit seems like a cool community, just afraid of how much impact I could expect.


Been staying in shape lifiting weights by myself (wish i had a spotter). At 168 ish, I'm the heaviest I've ever been, but also the strongest I've ever been. Can't max out b/c no spotter, but I can put up a set of 10 reps at 195 and finish with 5 at 205. Not bad in terms of %tage of bodyweight. But still missing something ... Love competition.


The one cool thing about hunting is I like to think that my dad at 75 is still motivated to stay in shape to be able to get up and over some of these mountains. He still lifts weights and says he can carry his deer out himself this year if i don't make it back. "If you don't use it, you lose it," he always told me and still lives by that motto. Certainly an inspiration to me and my kids. I like to think that between bowling nationals together and deer hunting, he has great incentive to stay in shape.


One other thing. I can vouch for Weight Watchers. One of the most sensible diet plans out there that becomes a lifestyle as it teaches portion control. My wife had lost 30+ pounds after the kids with it, then picked up triathlons and did marathons with me once she got down (and started from scratch). Crazy what you can do when you put your mind to it.


Good luck to all with meeting your goals.

With crossfit , there are still some movements that i still have to stay away from. For example we do a lot of 24" and 30" box jumps, Jumping up onto the box is not the problem it's when i jump back down off the box that my knees start to feel it. It is the hard impact coming down off the box , so now when i come off the box i just step down instead, another thing I found that make my knees swell is doing double unders(that is were when you jump rope , you jump high enough to do 2 revolutions with the rope per jump) So i have to jump extra high to get that accomplished double unders. So now i just do regular single jump ropes and those don't bother me at all.

Probably the biggest thing that helped my knees is the amount of light squats and sometimes heavy squats that we do . The muscles in my legs have never been this strong which in turn takes the strain off my knees.

As far as being competitive, crossfit is a great fit, and that is what drives me also. don't get me wrong not everyone there cares what the time is on the board or how many reps they did , but there will be plenty of chances to compete with the other guys on the board who seem to put up similar numbers as you . They may even come it at a different time than you, but you see there times and you push to beat there time , and the next morning that guy is checking out your time also. Its a friendly type competition. After a couple of months of getting stronger and faster you will be pushing to always be close to the top of the white board.

There are crossfit gyms everywhere, when you look for one make sure they have enough equipment to do all the crossfit moves, some gyms are just garage type gyms with very limited equipment and very few members. But you also don't want one that is to crowded either . our box has about 75 member's and about 3000 sf, with 3 trainers. Each class averages 8-14 people. there is a 5,6,7,8,9am class and 4:30,5:30,6:30,7:30pm classes. So make sure they offer plenty of options for class times. Our gym charges 150$ per month unlimited usage, but that is a lot of personal training with the correct way to do the lifts. good luck

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I kind of got burnt on the crossfit attitude. Tried to join the message board and have been denied 4 times to join as they do not believe that my name is what it is. My email. my phone and everything has the same name and they said they dont believe me.... piss off then. The gym i was going to does not tell you the price of their gym until after you go through the initial class... that kind of is shady as well.


Either way...


got out hiking this morning. New Danners and an easy to moderate trail at Dreamy draw. 1.5 miles and was back. Ill feel it shortly but it was the first time hiking since last october and the first time since walking again... LOL Going to try to do two times per week and build up.



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