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I just got the video "Dead On" from here at CW and boy is it a great video. Camera work and animals are great. I also like how much video you get for the price. Anyone else seen this yet?............let me know what you think...............Allen Taylor............

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Guest Ernesto C

Allen I agree,it's an awesome video and I love it. This one and the Coues Deer is King are on top of my list;I watch them at least twice a week :lol: I hope there were more coues videos available.


Ernesto C

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I like the "Dead On" video also. It is one of my favorites. I think I will go watch it right now. Bye


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Nice video.. Just can't get over the guy archery hunting the black bear in a white t-shirt..

AND he misses...Ooops sorry if I spoiled that one.... :lol:



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I like the "Dead On" video as well....but...I like any video that has Coues on it! I feel Coues deer are the hardest animal to video tape, especially while hunting! "Coues Deer Is King", I feel, has the best quality of footage and is the best on the market, even though there isn't much competition.......yet! But, I love the mixture between North and South of the border Coues hunts better. I am hoping to have a video together by next spring, it might be a combo Elk/Coues video but I have alot of great footage of Coues hunts, and if we get a couple more, I will have a video entirely of Arizona/Mexico Coues hunts. I posted a couple shot sequences from two defferent hunts we video taped in the "Taking pictures of Coues" forum. When I get it completed, you guys will be the first to get em'! We need more Coues hunting videos out there! :lol: Thanks, JIM>

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