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Dial adjustment

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I've got an older leupold VX3 6.5x20x40AO and I'm wondering how I find out how much elevation dial adjustment it has? My first thought was to just start turning it to the end and count clicks. Then turn the other way to the end and count clicks, making sure of course that I write down the clicks to return it to its current zero.


Is there an easier way to find out?

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Thank you sir. Trying to run some numbers in my head to see if I have enough adjustment or if I need to go with a 20 MOA rail instead of the straight one that I have.

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Also mark it with a highlighter at the mid point where it is zeroed. This makes it easy to get back to the midpoint if you already sighted in with some elevation adjustment. You can just rub it off after you are done or take a red sharpie if you want it semi permanent.

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I am using a 30mm tube on a Vortex Viper, is is advertised that I can get 68 MOA out of it.

I actually manually counted the clicks on my scope and can only get 64 MOA of adjustment :(

Best and safest would be to count out the clicks. So you are not working under ASSumption.

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