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Leupold turret review

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Ok so I have leupold vxiii 6.5 x20 x50 lr with varmit reticles and I ordered a turret for it. I got it on fri and went out to shoot today with it. Wow!!!!! Really accurate and they payed attention to all details on my load and it shoots great! I started at 800 cause my varmit reticles got me out to 700 before so the turret was to get me the rest. 800yrds one shot hit. Jumped to 975 one shot hit! Cranked to 10 witch is 1000yrds shot. Little low one click. Bottom of target, one more click to center and money!!!! I don't know why after having this scope for 3 years and this load I waited so long! Very impressed .

At 1000yrds my bullet drops 244inches and with out a turret there would be no guessing . Lol

7mm 140 grain nos bt 64grains imr 4350 at 3198fps muzzle

Thank you leupold for making a great scope and turret is very good quality !

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Thanks for the info. I just purchased a new Leupold scope, and saw the flyer for the free turret for my favorite load, and thought " how much difference could it make?" I put the paperwork in my gun safe, but will dig it out and send it in.

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did you send your scope in? I have the same scope but with bottle cap turrets.

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Do you have High turrets? No I have high turrets and all I did was gave them my info and they sent the new engraved turret to me. 3 Allen set screws and turret was on.

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This is just my $0.02, there is no intent to attack anyone who uses custom turrets. This is not an attack on the original poster......with that being said I think you are wasting money ordering custom turrets marked with yardage. They are good for one cartridge, at one velocity at roughly one elevation. If you change any of those criteria all bets are off. I think you will be a better shooter and long range hunter if you learn what MOA is and develop an accurate drop chart. You may have to tap it on your rifle or put it in your wallet but you can develop them for a whole lot less than money spent on a single custom turret......

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With elevation you have a 1000 ft discrepancy + or minus. The factor in which needs to be the closest during hunting is tempature. There is a huge change between first light and dusk. That is why you want to find the mean tempature that will set you in the middle closer to both values instead of having a dramatic temp fluctuation concerning your turret and the actual.

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Nighthawk are those Kenton Industry turrets you ordered? What was the turn around for one of those?

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Turret was 65dollars shipped and I'm a one load type of guy. Why change something thay shoots extremely well! Only hunt deer bear and other smaller game. Archery elk. Half inch and 100yrds .Imo I believe if ur gonna shoot long range, u should have the best possible set up you can have and the most constant way to do so .. It more ethical if ur gonna shoot long range, to have precise accuracy. I'm very aware off my drop chart I have it memorized for the most part. I appreciate the debate on it!!! I don't know everything and that's why I lie this site cause it brings things to my attention that I wouldn't normally know. That's why I wanted to get a shout out on the turret.

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Nighthawk are those Kenton Industry turrets you ordered? What was the turn around for one of those?

I ordered threw leupold so I assume they cut them here. Took 3 to 4 weeks like they said it would.

I tried to stay as medium as possible on all aspects in elv and so on. Set at 5k elevation 65degrees cause I figure oct morning is about 70 at lowest and dec mid day is 70 so that's a happy medium. Granted temp can vary alot depending..

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Thanks for the review! Enjoy your turret it is impressive you were one click away at 1,000. I have had plenty of outings where even with a ballistic program, with atmosphere input, and a lot of other factors I was still off by more than that. By the way you can always use the turret for your go to load and switch it back for other load development and training, no harm there.


Good luck this season!

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Nighthawk are those Kenton Industry turrets you ordered? What was the turn around for one of those?


I have the same exact scope with the kenton turrets on mine turn around was 3 to 4 weeks and they are awesome! I don't think you wasted you're money nighthawk i would buy my turrets again in a heart beat.

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Awesome thanks for chiming in Az Hunter are you really happy with your KI turrets? Right on that gives me enough time to practice and install them before the october hunt.

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I used a chart and counted clicks for years, but if you've got your load worked out, the turret is the only way to go. I made up my mind after a December hunt a few years ago. I had a great buck that was feeding toward me and the yardage kept changing. As he moved closer, my friend was calling out ranges and I was trying to keep up with the math and make the adjustments. That combined with trying to maintain a comfortable shooting position was not easy. I ended up shooting the buck at 601 yards, but determined then and there that I would get a turret and quit counting clicks and I've never been sorry.

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Three shots to get dialed in at 1000 yards thats impressive! A 7mm or a 300 win mag topped with a nice scope and turret will be my next big investment for sure.

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