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Luck of the draw?

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When my card got hit I told everone I was 98% sure I had a nov any antler hunt.I got drawn for 34a dec for the third time in 5 yrs with a dec 22 in between.34a dec is a 5% draw rate.I had a early rifle bull tag last yr.,less than 2% draw rate.My son put in with me this yr,tags 38 and 39 of 40.Been drawn for 2 early archery bull tags also.

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everyone has that freind or knows someone that gets drawn all the time. The only way I can explain it is the system somehow likes certain numbers and remembers them. Unless people know people to make it not so random of a draw.

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I drew a Kiabab tag on my very first(and only) try. I have been drawn for deer every time I put in except 2. Coming up on 20 years doing it. I think others here have it right. I don't usually put in for hunts with low draw odds, I just want to be out there with a tag and some family. Budget has been keeping the hunts close to home in recent years, luckily close to home has plenty of opportunity.

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we all know the computer selects random #'s for the draw - most likely the names are drawn on a n alphabetical type system like the first 2 letters of the last name -- whole families have been drawn putting in for the exact same hunts on different applications!!


case in point - the family from showlow - (i think ) a few yrs back all applied seperatly for buffalo - they all drew the exact same hunt! like 4 of the 5 bull buffalo tags - astronmical odds!! they had to rent a refrigerator semi for the meat!- maybe someone else can verify.


the g&f has never changed the programing of the draw as far as we know - time for a change !!!

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I like the manatee idea, but the guy with the Ducks may have something!

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