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46B tag #1

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Congrats on the tag,enjoy the ride!!!!

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Red Horns? Thats crazy, Desert Sheep Don't have Red Horns!




Oh those ones that rub on that stinky elephant bush. Beautiful!

There are some a lot more red than these two. Just thought it was a cool pic from my trail Cam.

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Thats an amazing photo thanks for posting.

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You are killing me...I do have to wait till Dec 1 !!!!!

Red Horns? Thats crazy, Desert Sheep Don't have Red Horns!




Oh those ones that rub on that stinky elephant bush. Beautiful!

There are some a lot more red than these two. Just thought it was a cool pic from my trail Cam.

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After the monsoons settle down if you want to know what kind of Rams are in the area get your cams up while they are still rutting, it's still hot and all the little natural holes are dried up. It will show you a lot. Not everything but you may have a monster that likes to drink there and have something to look for. Congrats on the tag. Guaranteed this won't be the last sheep hunt u go on. You will be a junkie and just beg people to let you help out. I caught the bug a few years back and I watch the sheep in this unit year round. They are so cool and crazy as heck to watch some of the things they do. Enjoy your tag to the fullest. Good luck hopefully you will be sitting behind a nice 10 year old beautiful ram that you love the looks of because that's all that matters.

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It would be a good idea to get camera ups, But most of the drinkers in this unit are probably 10+ miles round trip. I'm just saying be prepared and be careful in this heat you can't haul enough water. And before you get to these drinkers you don't know if they have water or not.

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Putting out trail cameras on the water in this unit sounds like a great idea. That is until you get to the unit and find out really how remote it is. I rode a horse as close as possible and then walked to many of the drinkers and that still took alot of time. One drinker we checked during the hunt had water but not one sheep track sine the last rain (approx 1.5 months) that was December though. Trying to put them out now would almost kill you, I dont think you could carry enough water with you. It is a great idea in some of the units where you can drive close but 46B I dont know if it is a good idea. Lets face it once you take it in and almost kill your self it is useless untill you go back in a pick it up, and if it rained since then they might of moved already. Get behind some big glass and cover more area with your eyes, it sure is easier on your body. Here are a couple more red horned rams to look at from your unit.






You have to see this sign also, it is classic but very true.



Here is how we hunted the unit. It takes alot of work dealing with horses but sure does save the legs and alows you to penetrate the unit better.





Here is one of the drinkers that I think is about 7.5 miles one way from the nearest road. This drinker still had a camera on it that had been there for months. I almost picked it up for the guy but then did not want to mess anything up so we left it. It had his name and tag # on the camera. It did him no good though since he had not checked it in months and the hunt was in full swing.


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Congrats on getting an Arizona Sheep Tag! Good luck on the hunt and enjoy it!

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I was mistaken on units. Sorry bad advice listen to the Koury guides. It always seem so easy looking at a map at your house in the A/C. The one piece of advice I do know about this area is if you see a beautiful ram opening morning that you would shoot half way through the hunt but you want to hold off because there might be a bigger ram in the unit. Just take the ram. I knew an Alaskan guide by the name of Brian can't remember his last name but when a friend of mine who hunted with him in Alaska dropped him off opening morning they glassed a ram they all guessed would definitely go over 170 and gorgeous but he passed it up because he had talked to some people and seen some pics of a ram around 180. So he went on to hunt 26 more days and killed a gorgeous 10 year old ram that was mid 160's and that was the second biggest ram he saw. He did miss 3 days being picked up to take a shower re-supply and sleep in a real bed for a night but still that is a

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Long time. Just kill the ram you like the most no matter when you see him.

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The guides name was Brian Martin from British Columbia. Here's some RED HORNED rams for you to check out while your waiting for

your hunt to start. All these rams were taken in 46B.















These two rams were from the 2010 season. The ram on the right scored 172 and the one on the left was 173.

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Looking at the pics on this site just made my Ram tiny. ): good luck on the hunt but dont die trying to scout in the heat..

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