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Some advice

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My buddy who took that bad spill got drawn for deer this year. I was wondering if their is anything I can do for him so he can still hunt. I have seen the post about road hunting and wondering if this would be a case where you could road hunt and get some special permit. Any advice would be great, I just dont want to tell him he is SOL.

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I would contact Game and Fish. I would think that they could issue him some kind of CHAMP/HANDICAP type permit so he can still hunt. I think I had heard from a friend that they can do that. Don't quote me on it. Anyone else here of this???

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find a tank he can sit and watch and drop him off with a radio.



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I met an elderly guy last month that had an archery elk tag. he had rotator cuff surgery and was not going to be able to use his bow. he got approval from G&F to use a crossbow.

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I met an elderly guy last month that had an archery elk tag. he had rotator cuff surgery and was not going to be able to use his bow. he got approval from G&F to use a crossbow.


Why stop at a crossbow, shouldve pushed it a little further to a muzzleloader or rifle. Then if they say no you have the crossbow to fall back on.

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I broke my leg a few years ago and had surgery month before my deer hunt. Wasn't aloud to weight on it for three months which ment I was screwed. Called game and fish and lady said there wasn't anything they could do. Didn't mention I could donate a tag which I found out I could from this site a few months ago. I don't see why if this sort of thing happens you can't sign your tag over to a freind or someone who could use it. I understand people would get there friends that don't hunt to put in and hopefully draw a tag to sign over but what if I hobbled in on crutches to prove I couldn't hunt and be able to sign it over infront of them? A tag is a tag, they got there money already. Guess I just don't see the harm in it.

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Yes, contact game and fish and he can have a special permit issued so that he can actually shoot from a vehicle/handicap exception. Before anyone jumps down my throat about ethics...this is actually done.


Last year my uncle was bucked from his horse and could not walk as a result of subsequent surgery (temporarily). Called game and fish to see what he could do about his deer tag later that year and they told him the could issue a special permit. He ended up not being able to hunt period but they will issue them.



Guess your receiving some conflicting info though haha have him call the office.

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Probably should read R12-4-216, & R12-4-217 in regs. I wasn't able to cut and paste it for you.


Hope he gets better in time and gets to hunt,


I been there.

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Hopefully all works out for your buddy.

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I'm in the same boat with my FIL who had a stroke one month ago with left sided paralysis. he got drawn for deer too. its a tag he's tried for for a long time. we can pray he'll get arm use back by then.

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Its hit and miss with the G$F. Last September I blew my left knee out, couldn't walk on it, and any weight on it with out a brace would send my knee cap to the left side of my leg. I called them to see if I could qualify for the modified rules. They considered it still having some use of the leg and denied my request. I tried to hunt, but lugging around a .300 winmag on crutches got old after the first little hill, not to mention I forgot that going UP was the easy part! Coming down was a lot harder!


Somewhere in the rules it covers this, you have to have a certain percentage of your mobility hindered before they consider it.

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Thanks everyone for you input. I told my buddy to call the G&F and if he gets the lady that is leaving work to try someone else.

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