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Red Rabbit

Campsite Trickery

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What are some tricks and practical jokes that you have pulled, or of which you've been the victim, when at hunting camp. While we wait for draw results, some idle minds are at play.



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Doug, one thing we did a few years ago to pass some time was set up a chipmunk trap. We used a box, a stick, a fishing pole and a little bread. The trick we found out was to only lift the box up enough to let em in other wise it wouldn't fall quick enough before they were able to escape. We did catch one but didn't know what to do with it once we had it. I don't know who has it but I took a pic of my buddy sitting on a stump in the middle of camp holding a fishing pole with the box in the background.


Passed by Flag yesterday on my way back from UT. There was a major storm that hit 89 north of Flag when we were on the road. Had to slow down to keep from hydro planing. Later - CB

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Several of my friends have been known to carry out rather large rocks hidden in their backpacks. It seems somebody is always bragging or complaining that they have the heaviest pack, this way you can eliminate any guessing. Just agree with them and keep on smiling.

I also once placed a water snake in with the rubber worms in a friends tackle box. He screamed like a girl.

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Few years back i brought a halloween mask and when my hunting buddy went to take one of his ever-so famous pooh's i stripped naked(all but my boots) put on the mask and starting runnning down the wash in front of him grunting and making all sorts of odd noises ohh he was freaked cause he just read an article about crazy mountian men still roaming the woods today. He got up (pants still around his ankles) and started hauling butt (i mean butt) back to the trailer yelling and falling down. ooh it was great childish but great.

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We caught some Gardner snakes and tied them into the pillow cases of our fellow hunters. After they went to sleep they would find something wiggling under their little heads and then they would freak out!!


One time we were turkey hunting and a guy hit a cow elk on the freeway--the sheriff came and issued a recovery permit, we hung her in camp--we stayed in camp the next morning to see what reaction we would get from the passer byes--these guys rolled up on their quads and started writing down plate numbers and basically were getting ready to do the right thing when i came out and asked them if they thought my turkey would make the record books!! Man, they were real leery of me until we explained what had happened--then they wanted to join us for steaks that night--how could we refuse their request!? :P

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This works if you are the one that gets to your campsite first and goes out scouting the day before the hunt starts. Take an eastern whitetail shed with you and inform your buddies you found it over the hill when you were scouting earlier. Works every time! :P The Moose :P is still loose! :P

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Once a couple of buddies were hunting coues. After a couple of hard days of hunting they were setting around the fire talking when the first guy says I'm headed for bed. The second guy says he going to stay up and BS a little more with a couple of other guys. The second guy waits for the first to get to sleep then heads in and resets the alarm clock for 30min later. After the alarm goes off the first guys get up and starts getting dressed and telling the second guy he had better get up and get going or they were going to be late to get up the mountain. The second guys lets him get his boots tied then tells him he might want to look at the clock.

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years ago we had a chair potty ,a little worn out. when our good buddy took it out. he just finished the dog call :P and those legs gave way.it was a long ride to the creek in the back of the truck to wash off. years later and he's still getting us back. :P

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Once a couple of buddies were hunting coues. After a couple of hard days of hunting they were setting around the fire talking when the first guy says I'm headed for bed. The second guy says he going to stay up and BS a little more with a couple of other guys. The second guy waits for the first to get to sleep then heads in and resets the alarm clock for 30min later. After the alarm goes off the first guys get up and starts getting dressed and telling the second guy he had better get up and get going or they were going to be late to get up the mountain. The second guys lets him get his boots tied then tells him he might want to look at the clock.

Now thats a good one :P Couple years ago I was huntin alone and got up at 3:30am and stoked the fire and sterted the coffee and such, after I was dressed and ready to go I realized it was only 12:30 am :P

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After returning from fishing, I put one of those styrofoam worm cups in the fridge. Only thing was, I got a soft plastic worm and had it hanging about half way out. It was in the back so you couldn't see it when you reached for the cup. It took about 3 days, but the wife finally grabbed it. Except for the fact I had to clean up the mess, it was worth it to hear the screaming and see those poor worms flying through the air.

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All of my hunting camps have been too serious. About 30 years ago, before Bob Hirsch wrote of the Black River and enticed the multitudes, three of us hiked down from the Pump Station for a few days. My sleeping bag had been re-rolled by "friends" to carry a bottle of wine. Fortunately, I got to drink the wine, as they decided they didn't like it. They got to carry out the empty bottle, and a few rocks that kept getting stufffed in their packs from behind on the hike out.

The best reward was that they each thought that the other was bringing their food, so they lived on fish and bread for a few days. I did share the scraps of the steak, baked potato, and german chocolate cake I had (just enough shared to suppress a mutiny and being pummeled). I think each bought about $20 worth of burgers and fries at the DQ in Globe on the drive home.



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My dad and I had split up just before lunch, him staying high and I dropped into the canyon. While in the canyon, I located some old dehydrated bear scat, complete with cedar berries. It was broken into small "bite size pieces", looking like some "nut roll cookies". I gathered the scat up in a baggie and went off to meet up with my dad. When we met, we had lunch and I set out the "Nut Roll Cookies" while I ate my sandwich. Dad finally looked at the baggie and asked what they were? I said that I thought our hunting partners wife had made them and they were on the table this morning while we were making lunch. Dad pulled one out, held it in front of him and studied the "nut roll". I finally had to break out in laughter just before he popped one into his mouth. We laughed, and then he had me take them back to camp to share with the other hunters.





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This goes back a long time but...A friend of a friend came along on a hunting trip and seemed to be interested more in burning wood and drinking beer than anything else till we decided to have some fun with him. We set out 2 beer, errr soda cans on a stump back away from camp with the bottoms faceing camp. Later that nite someone cassully shines a light on those cans and they lit up just like two huge eyes. Well we made a big deal about how something or other was stalking us and by the size of those eyes it must be huge and beeing close set it had to be a predator. Well newbie was not about to go to sleep without we run this thing off so I convinced him and the others to keep the lights shinning on it and hold its attention while I sneek around behind. I was having a hard time keeping a straight face cause this guy was buying this thing hook line and sinker. Anyway, when I do get behind the "beast" I creapt up on it and pounced, oh it was a fierce struggle but finnaly the "beast" got me by the throat and I let out a blood curdling gurggle. The other guys are milling about and shouting for help but this guy aint doing nothing but back peddling around the fire till he realizes the others are laughing so hard they are in tears. That newbie took such a teasing that nite and the next morning he left a day early and has not asked to go camping again, I can not figure why, I thought we had a great time.

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