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Here we go again!

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The way I read it "If the card ISSUER denied the charges they would try it again until the denial was finalized" The card issuer could decline the charges due to a FRAUDULANT charge not necessarliy insufficient funds or expired card. I dont blame the G&F for trying multiple times to make a charge go through for a tag. I would hate to lose out on a tag because my bank deems the charge fraudulant and doesnt allow the transaction to go through especially if it was a sheep tag.

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I don't get all the fuss???!! I think we have been spoiled with quick results in the past and I know it drives me crazy until I find out. Even if the results are not posted until mid August it isn't a big deal. I'm sure some of you want to know before archery season opens for deer, but really, your probably still going out archery hunting anyway. Just take a deep breath and relax. Go out shoot your bow, rifle, or sling shot even. Have a cold one and enjoy the summer. Draw results will be posted soon enough and then we will either be drinking in celebration or depression.


I was drawn for a December Coues tag and you bet your a$$ Ill be up in a stand or blind come opening day of archery season.

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I put in for archery kiabab first choice and I have to put my time off work 3 weeks in advance. so the sooner the better and I want to do a scouting trip before the hunt. don't want to waste my time and money going way out there and then find out I didn't get drawn for that tag

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I don't get all the fuss???!! I think we have been spoiled with quick results in the past and I know it drives me crazy until I find out. Even if the results are not posted until mid August it isn't a big deal. I'm sure some of you want to know before archery season opens for deer, but really, your probably still going out archery hunting anyway. Just take a deep breath and relax. Go out shoot your bow, rifle, or sling shot even. Have a cold one and enjoy the summer. Draw results will be posted soon enough and then we will either be drinking in celebration or depression.


I was drawn for a December Coues tag and you bet your a$$ Ill be up in a stand or blind come opening day of archery season.

So if u get a buck this month you just gonna throw away a December tag?


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I don't get all the fuss???!! I think we have been spoiled with quick results in the past and I know it drives me crazy until I find out. Even if the results are not posted until mid August it isn't a big deal. I'm sure some of you want to know before archery season opens for deer, but really, your probably still going out archery hunting anyway. Just take a deep breath and relax. Go out shoot your bow, rifle, or sling shot even. Have a cold one and enjoy the summer. Draw results will be posted soon enough and then we will either be drinking in celebration or depression.


I was drawn for a December Coues tag and you bet your a$$ Ill be up in a stand or blind come opening day of archery season.

So if u get a buck this month you just gonna throw away a December tag?

Nope, my 11 year old son will get it.

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Any store can take your credit card, remove the item from iventory, immediately reorder, deliver to the store the replacement in less than 48 hours ... certainly game and fish can update their technology to process these cards and announce results in a timelier fashion. How hard can it be to set up a system that hits a credit and generates a notification of you success with the location.


Now, I realize that buy asking for this the cost ot apply online just double and licenses and tag prices increased, again.


Good luck for all of those still waiting!

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I wish that if it went through on your card/check that an automated email could be sent out with your draw results. That way you would not have to wait. I know this could cause a lot more issues but it can be done. They need to update their technology anyway....why not update it to something much more efficient? I am sure though no matter what they do there will be issues haha...its the curse of any govt agency.


I am really excited to see the results but I am not really that impatient and fortunately like many hunters I can take time off with relatively little notice.

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I wanna know how Jim Paxon rode the gravy train to that job? Wonder what they pay him to read press releases?


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I still have a pending $7.00 charge for the application fee that I was never charged with. It should be $7.50 but I'm not concerned about it. All other tag fees and bonus pt fees have posted though!

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We just got spoiled by getting our results a month early, if they are posted by the "said due date" it's all good!

Chill :)




Anyone remember the old days (pink or white)? This complaining happens every year..... ;)





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The credit card system sucks that's the only reason why we don't have the results already. If it was still money order/checks we all wouldn't be playing pattycake all day long, and would be out in the field. Sportsmans and Cabelas are waiting for the result rush also to sell the places out. we won't mention the other place (not gander mountain) in Mesa, bunch of no good rope suckers working there.

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The credit card system sucks that's the only reason why we don't have the results already. If it was still money order/checks we all wouldn't be playing pattycake all day long, and would be out in the field. Sportsmans and Cabelas are waiting for the result rush also to sell the places out. we won't mention the other place (not gander mountain) in Mesa, bunch of no good rope suckers working there.



Huh?? :blink: What does selling-out of merchandise have to do with this topic, and why should the G&F (or us) be concerned with that??? They are going to sell out of the hot items and have a surplus of the cold items no matter what date the results are out.





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Stanley it was a side comment not the main point just a salad to the main concern. Take it with a grain of salt. I am also waiting for results because there is a wait for huskemaws and I need to get it ordered but if I don't have a tag no need to order one. The point is that there should be no second chances one and done either you got the tag or try again next year (with a check). There are also people losing time for their archery kaibab hunts, making guide arrangements, buying plane tickets, coordinating with vacation time from work. The sooner the better.

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