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Guys, keep hanging your trail cameras on water holes, springs and trails, because I enjoy buying them dirt cheap on eBay a week later...


I have over 15 cameras in the field at all times, and in all my years have never had one stolen. It is very simple, you have to camouflage it and hide it.


Do any randy women hit your cameras on the regular lance? Have you been holding out the good photos, and posting forest service guys taking a piss when the alpha phi girls at the U of A, been skinning dipping on your water holes.

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Nope just frank and beans. I wish I had lady's that wanted to do the same. Oops don't tell the wife ha


Just for you!




Awwwwww! He got it on his shoes! I hate that! Ha Ha! You never know when your on camera!

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Nope just frank and beans. I wish I had lady's that wanted to do the same. Oops don't tell the wife ha


Just for you!




Awwwwww! He got it on his shoes! I hate that! Ha Ha! You never know when your on camera!

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I hide them pretty good for most part. I've had two jacked in 10 years and they are up year round. The two that where stolen were in same area so just bad luck that the douech bag was there that day.

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If you've seen soooo many stickers, you should probably be able to spell whitetail correctly. Good luck, the unfortunate truth is cameras get stolen all the time. It's a risk you take. If you want to catch the thief, go on spypoint.com and buy a dummy camera for 29.99 plus shipping. Set it up in the same place and put a real camera up in a very very discreet location to take a pic of the culprits.


New guy shouldn't go pointing fingers, wrong or right, you have no way of knowing who took it.


P.S. a forest service crew stole one of my cameras and I know this to be factual.

For a college student, his spelling and grammar is definitely worse than a fifth grader.

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Just for you!




Which is why I now have to study everything before I use the trees! :lol:




On a side subject, is someone left you a note, would you share your photos with them? I have had two notes left in the past and e-mailed photos, but none of the notes I left have ever produced anything.

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Just for you!




Which is why I now have to study everything before I use the trees! :lol:




On a side subject, is someone left you a note, would you share your photos with them? I have had two notes left in the past and e-mailed photos, but none of the notes I left have ever produced anything.


I would leave a note that said this is the tree.... quit pissing on me and hanging these darn cameras on me.

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Nope just frank and beans. I wish I had lady's that wanted to do the same. Oops don't tell the wife ha


Just for you!




104 people downloaded this pic.........now thats funny.

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This thread is cracking me up....I just fell victim to Pine Donkey's pic!

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HAHAHA! I've had the same thing as Pine Donkey. Thought it was from a bear when I first walked up. I also had a guy turn my camera up to the tree branches and the next guy turned it strait for me. Good to know there are still good people out there.

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Feel sorry for your loss. I currently have several cameras out and I even have a gentalman placing salt in front of one for me. All my cameras are well off the beaten path and locked. I have never lost a camera and hope not too. I would like to say that if anyone knows where my cameras are and would like to leave me a note or PM me I will be happy to share photos.



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Why would forest service take them? What do they gain from it? I am now a little more neviious than i was about my camera now. I too have one up in unit 23. But to get to mine they will need a tree climber with them so it will take a little work if they want it that bad.


Because many of the FS are anti-hunter, and even more don't like to see "abandoned" property left on trees in the forest. It happens more than you think.


every time they find one they probably think "$$$ BONUS $$$"

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