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Wow. This rubbed me the wrong way. Sounds like you are accusing CWT members of steeling your camera. there were ALOT of campers up there yesterday. I also have a cam in a bear box with a python cable around that area. Its been there since Mid March. As of yesterday when I checked it, it was still there. If you put it on Wilderness Land, the Forest Service guy who is in that area WILL take it if he finds it. PM me and I can talk to you about it.

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Mighty big assumption cause there has been cwt stickers seen in the area one of us know I have had 2 cameras stole in 23 and see alot of stickers and don't assume someone on this sight knows it's the chance you take putting your camera out it sucks I know but all you can do is hope for the best and hike it in even further sorry your camera got stolen but 23 has a high volume of missing camera

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Why would you put it up in a heavily traveled area? You are literally asking it to get stolen one way or another. First rule of trailcams hide them dam well to the point where its almost hard for you to find it. Second rule you look for foot prints around the trail,gamewater,aquifer you are placing to avoid putting it in harms way of a potential thief. Third rule every time you place a camera in the wild on public and sometimes private land you run roll the dice on it, and it could very potentially not be there when you get back. Its not right, but thats what it is, and we hunters gamble with those odds with the knowledge someday it could happen. Its unfortunate, but you are not the first one to have a camera stolen.

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If you've seen soooo many stickers, you should probably be able to spell whitetail correctly. Good luck, the unfortunate truth is cameras get stolen all the time. It's a risk you take. If you want to catch the thief, go on spypoint.com and buy a dummy camera for 29.99 plus shipping. Set it up in the same place and put a real camera up in a very very discreet location to take a pic of the culprits.


New guy shouldn't go pointing fingers, wrong or right, you have no way of knowing who took it.


P.S. a forest service crew stole one of my cameras and I know this to be factual.

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Well let me restate this. The only trucks I've seen parked at this spot have ha the sticker. And it was quite a ways off the road. A good mile and a half up. So it would have to be someone who

Knew the area I'm assuming. Just an assumption. I apologies, not blaming any of you. But it is a chance and it was a lil pricy for a college student. So was trying to get it back..

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Sorry man, but if there ethics compass didn't point them to leaving your camera alone. It's not going to lead them to giving it back.

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Sorry you lost your camera - theives are lowlifes and I understand your frustration. I *hope* you get it back, but I seriously doubt you will. I've found the best way to keep them safe is a really strong steel box, but even that can't prevent them from being ruined by someone who thinks you're too close to "their spot".

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It was in a steel box with a cable. Guess next time I will have to use chain. Sorry for sounding like I was accusing . I was not, just really frustrtsted.


A chain won't help more than the python lock you were using. Shoot me a PM and I'll send you some pix of what I'm using. If anyone steals one of my cameras, they are going to have to cut down a big tree, and haul it out. I'm more worried they'll destroy the camera out of frustration than actually stealing it.

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Time to chill on burning the new guy! Perhaps not the best choice of wording, but heh, how did you feel when your goods got snaked?

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Poor choice in words but we all make mistakes. Sorry you had your cams ripped! Keep at and keep hunting!

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A chain won't help anymore then a python lock. I've had two stolen using a chain and lock with a steel plate going through the back of the camera. Whoever it was spent some time prying/cutting. If they want it bad enough they will get it. Chance you take every time you put one out.

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