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Big Shep

Utah Wasatch Mt Goat Voucher

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This summer I bought my dream hunt; a Mt. Goat voucher this year from the Sportsmen For Wildllife (SFM) for $10,500. This allows somenone to hunt anywhere in the Wasatch Range from Sept 10th through October 14th 2012 for any Mt Goat. However since I bought this voucher, my wife drew an early rifle elk tag in unit 9 and I drew an early rifle bull tag in Utah on the Dutton. I havent had an elk tag in 12 years and my wife has never had a tag so we are beside ourselves as both of these hunts are smack dab in the middle of my goat hunt. Therefore I have made the painful decision to offer my voucher at a discounted rate and hope to be able to buy it again next year for the same money. I am offering the voucher for $9500, in addition to this The Sportsmen For Wildlife is a non-profit organization with a 501 tax deductable donation number, so you will be able to write this off as a tax deductable donation. If anyone is interested I can be contacted at (928)853-9109. I am open to any offers but will not give it away, thanks Colby

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