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Tripod mount for Vortex Viper

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I just got a new pair of Vortex Viper HD 15x50 and was wondering if there is a more convenient, or easier to use tripod mount than the vortex one? I have used it with my old diamondbacks and it was a pain to screw in and out. Any ideas?

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I believe the adapter that vortex sells is the same one sold on this site made by jim white. If you don't like it check out the outdoorsmans adapter. The outdoorsmans adapter is the best that I have used and it truely is a quick realease.



You'll need to get the correct stud for your binos and the guys at the store could make sure you get the right one.

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Which vortex adapter do you have? The small one that uses an allen bolt or the big one with the tab for finger tightening?

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I sent vortex an email about this very same issue and they sent me older style vortex adapter (it has a bigger round end on it rather than the flat skinny one), it works a little better.

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I have same binos and I use the outdoorsman well worth the money!!!!! The stud stays on binos and rest of adapter on trypod so u never have and thing more on binos in the way..

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I have the one from Outdoorsman's, bayonet stud you screw into the bino body, mount that it slips in to stays on the pistol grip or tripod head, run about $130 for the setup, worth it if you consider how many times it will be used over the years.

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I have the same vortex adapter. It's a pain with the old 15x50 vipers too. Thanks to a buddy's suggestion, I made a tool for tightening it out of a dowel. Cut a slot in the end and works well. I generally leave the adapter on them since I carry them in my pack and usually only use on tripod so it works for me.

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