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Joe Kauffman

Shootin' The Moon Tournament...help needed!

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During the Shootin' The Moon Tournament this weekend we have been encouraging everyone to shoot as many as they can and are offering a total fish count prize as well. This is due to the fact that we are donating all the fish to the Adobe Wildlife Center to help provide food for the animals they are rehabilitating. I just received word that the truck they usually use to come pick up the fish with is in the shop and won't be available this weekend. This leaves us with a problem of how to get the fish to the Center after weigh in on Sunday morning.


I'm hoping someone on here might have a dump bed trailer and will offer to help haul the fish to the Center when we are done weighing and counting them in. We could probably bag them in heavy duty trash bags but we'd need some volunteers to help with the process. We really want to keep the total fish count option in the prize pool but may have to trim this out of the tournament to keep the total take manageable.


If anyone can help, please post here or email me at azarchery@cox.



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I say we just fill up the bed of Doms Dodge!!!!!! It should hold all the fish brought in!

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Hey guys even if we can get one or two people with a 1Ton or 3/4Ton truck that would be willing to take them for us..... ALL THE FISH WILL BE BAGGED SO NO BLOOD OR SMELL TO WORRY ABOUT. We would sure appreciate it!!!!!!!!



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What time are you needing someone there I might be able to get a dump trailer ?

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Ok I will see what I can do and let you guys know by tomorrow

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Don't do away with the numbers portion!! If you are unable to transport the fish then cut, sink and recycle them back into the lake!!! Thats what we always do at roosey!!

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Don't do away with the numbers portion!! If you are unable to transport the fish then cut, sink and recycle them back into the lake!!! Thats what we always do at roosey!!


Can we put all the fish in your boat and you can go punch and dump them? If so its a go!!!!

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Don't do away with the numbers portion!! If you are unable to transport the fish then cut, sink and recycle them back into the lake!!! Thats what we always do at roosey!!


Can we put all the fish in your boat and you can go punch and dump them? If so its a go!!!!




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