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Kaibab on fire!

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I believe, if left alone, the forest can manage its self. That means quit putting out every little fire that starts.

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IMHO, we should send all these invoices, bills ($$$$$) to fight these fires directly to the Sierra Club and the judges that continually support them for tying up our legal system and forcing the F.S. to defend all these freaking lawsuits that prevents thinning and logging. I would be all for a class action lawsuit directed at the Sierra Club and all the liberal judges that reside in their back pocket. If the F.S. was allowed to thin and log these huge fires would be non existent, our forests would be in great shape, we would have no bark beetle die-off because instead of 50 million trees per acre there would be 100 and the ones that are there would be able to get enough moisture to fight off the beetles and other disease. The F.S. is a beaurocracy beyond all beaurocracy's that has been infiltrated by Sierra Club types and that agency is going downhill fast.


IMHO, we should send all these invoices, bills ($$$$$) to fight these fires directly to the Sierra Club and the judges that continually support them for tying up our legal system and forcing the F.S. to defend all these freaking lawsuits that prevents thinning and logging. I would be all for a class action lawsuit directed at the Sierra Club and all the liberal judges that reside in their back pocket. If the F.S. was allowed to thin and log these huge fires would be non existent, our forests would be in great shape, we would have no bark beetle die-off because instead of 50 million trees per acre there would be 100 and the ones that are there would be able to get enough moisture to fight off the beetles and other disease. The F.S. is a beaurocracy beyond all beaurocracy's that has been infiltrated by Sierra Club types and that agency is going downhill fast.

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Logging doesn't put nutrients and minerals back into the soil like fire does. Plus, there is alot of "slash" left in logging that just adds fuel to the forest floors. Don't get me wrong, I am all for responsible logging, it does help when done right, but fire is still preferable.


Plus, there are trees that actually must have fire to in order for their seeds to germinate.

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Responsible logging doesn't prevent forest fires, it keep fire from becoming devastating and catastrophic.

I've been hunting and recreating in the Kaibab since 1970 and I much prefer the way our forests used to be managed with selective logging, where they rounded up and burned off the slash piles. It opened up the forest floor, allowed trees to get big, created all kinds of forbs, grasses, mushrooms & browse and didn't deplete the water tables. There used to be substantially more deer in the Kaibab than today's numbers, and although I'm sure some of the decline is drought related, I attribute at least some of the decline to the absense of logging and poor wildlife and forest management. Where you use to be able see 50 -80 bucks on a good day, we are now lucky to find a handful on a good day. But then again, maybe that's what the powers that be want - unhealthy forests with limited wildlife resources and unhuntable populations of game.

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I dont like to see cabins burnt to the ground and other homes lost, But forest fires in my opinion is a very good thing. now if there was forest management that alowed logging in a selective manner in conjuction with fire i think we would all see more deer,elk,antelope.And a lot less stand replacement type fires but thats common sense to me. we just have to convince sierra club and green piece that they are doing more harm than good.Never happen though.

Did anyone ever see the sign around heber overgaurd area thanking them for the rodeo chediski fire i dont remmember what it said all i knew is that it was the truth.

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I dont like to see cabins burnt to the ground and other homes lost, But forest fires in my opinion is a very good thing. now if there was forest management that alowed logging in a selective manner in conjuction with fire i think we would all see more deer,elk,antelope.And a lot less stand replacement type fires but thats common sense to me. we just have to convince sierra club and green piece that they are doing more harm than good.Never happen though.

Did anyone ever see the sign around heber overgaurd area thanking them for the rodeo chediski fire i dont remmember what it said all i knew is that it was the truth.




I saw today. It says "Thank you, enviroMENTAList!"



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