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Do lions scare deer out of an area

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Been a lot said about lions being responsible for deer moving out of an area. Apparently the prevailing thought is that a lions presence in an area will spook deer and they will leave. I recently got called to help a friend try to catch a lion that was living in a subdivision. This cat has been seen by numerous residents, as well as county sheriff deputies. We walked a small canyon behind a bunch of houses, and found several dog, housecat, and deer kills. Accompanied by Game and Fish as well as deputies, we drove the area at night in an effort strike a fresh trail. There was no less than 50-60 deer hanging out in the very same yards where the cat has been spotted. The dogs struck a track behind some houses and ran it right thru both deer and elk herds. So...why haven't these deer packed up and left the area...or is the idea that a lions mere presence in an area will cause the deer to relocate, a bunch of misinformation? Would like some insights into this deal. I just realized that I put this in the " bear forum"...sorry about that.

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I have a lion on camera and deer in less than 2 hours later. I do notice that when a bear comes by the deer wont show up for a day or two

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