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Sheds you can't keep

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I found some elk sheds while fishing on the San Carlos I couldn't keep this weekend. The fishing was pretty good and I jumped a pretty good bull that was bedded, he looked like a good one but I am not sure I would have payed $30K to shoot him.






Bret M.

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That would be very hard for me to leave those sheds there when I left. :)

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Hey Bullwidgeon.


If those are smallmouths on the Black River, then they're twice as large as those we used to catch there 100 years ago. Looks like you had fun, too.



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Bill, they look so big because he's holding them out "Chuck Adams" style, in reality they're about 10". HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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If you ain't "long arming" them, then you ain't trying. You should know that, Antlerqueen :P !!!


Bret M.


In the 1960s, catching a 2-lb smallmouth on the Black was like catching a 12-pound largemouth at Apache. I think my largest was about 1.5 pounds.


Were the bears on the the river yet, Bret?



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Yeah the bears were out. We heard one rolling rocks while we were backpack camped way down there . The next morning I cut fresh tracks on a sandbar about 200 yards down the river from where we camped. We never did see him though. He looked like he had a good foot on him, about 6 inches across the front paw. Knowing from packing a digital scale over the last 4 years we have been blessed with catching a few between 3-4 pounds and we average about 10-15 a day between 1.0-2.5 pounds once we get way back in there away from road access points. We still have yet to catch the elusive 5 pounder and we have broke some tremendous fish off but I guess that's what keeps us going back....


Bret M.

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No one can imagine what I would give to be young, healthy and fit again ... as CHD would gleefully say my time for climbing into and out of that canyon are long past.



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I use to fish the black river all of the time until they raised the fee's


such a great river though

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