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Me and my wife had our fifth kid last month. Yes I did say fifth. Here is the good part we where talking about baby names and in a jokeing way is said how about Hunter Coues and she looked at me and said "I dont like it how about Coues Hunter for the name" (he is a boy) I said awsome. I didnt think it would stick but it did. Of course she hunts with me every year. So what do you think? Dont hold back.

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Might want to think real hard about naming your kid "Coues". I like it but let's face it kids are cruel and since most people don't know what the name means, most are just going to make fun of him. Congrats on your fifth.

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Congrats on #5 but for crying out loud avoid the name "coues" as your kids name. There is substantial research out there on the societal effects imposed on kids/adults with really off beat names. I wouldn't do it.

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you can name him coues and just call him hunter for school and stuff probably no one would ever know, but you know in high school his buddies will call him cooch hunter

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If you need further convincing I copied this from dictionary.com, it's the definition of a word pronounced the same as the common pronounciation for Coues but spelled differently, "c@@ze" "1. the female genitals 2. a girl or woman considered sexually

[C20: of unknown origin] "


I'm just saying "Coues Hunter" probably not so bad. Coues probably really bad!


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I think you can take the might out of "you might be a redneck" if you name him coues hunter. I personaly can not stand it when people try to think too hard about an off beat name for their kid. Poor kids have to go to school and lets face it, kids are cruel. He will get made fun of. Cooch hunter, if he is a fatty, they might actually call him COWS. It is the correct way to say it. Hopefully he doesnt chase fatty's and then he really will be a cow hunter.

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If you were really hardcore you would name him...... coueswhitetaildotcom



I am done having kids, have 3 boys. If I had another I would though I swear.

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I like it. I say you name him whatever the heck you want. If other kids make fun of him just make sure you teach him how to fight. First kid that says anything gets punched in the mouth and that will end that real quick.

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I think you can take the might out of "you might be a redneck" if you name him coues hunter. I personaly can not stand it when people try to think too hard about an off beat name for their kid. Poor kids have to go to school and lets face it, kids are cruel. He will get made fun of. Cooch hunter, if he is a fatty, they might actually call him COWS. It is the correct way to say it. Hopefully he doesnt chase fatty's and then he really will be a cow hunter.


LOL!!! +1 Reminds me of an old Cash song..... ;)


My opinion is that you should name the kid what ever you want to name him/her. My wife (ex-wife, actually....) and I figured-out early in the process that we didn't want to share any 'prospective' names with anyone prior to making the final decision. Reason was; when you share the prospective names you get all kinds of opinions that might make you biased towards or away from what you, in your heart, think is the best name for the little fella.


Pick a name and go with it! Doesn't matter what any of us hacks thinks! :)





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