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Gold Teeth

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I've been holding back on this post for a while. I've boiled out a lot of skulls but something struck me odd on some recent javi skulls. It seems the teeth are crusted in what looks like gold. I pretty much discounted this as being nothing more than mica in the sand, but some of the characteristics lead me to think these pigs could be rooting around in gold-rich soil…













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Geeze maybe i could make a livin harvesting javi teeth!

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It is probably gold. I have seen a few stink pigs with gold in their teeth and even nuggets stuck in nasal cavities. Gold is soft so it sticks mica is hard and will not stick. If it stays the same in the sun and shade it's gold. If its luster goes away in the shade you have fools gold. But fools gold is also a mineral so gold could be present in the same areas as well as copper and silver.

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I often thought the same as I have shot a few like that many years ago. Let us know what you find out and I might have to go back to my old hunting grounds again. Thanks for sharing. :)



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Appears that pig did not have health insurance and could not get to the dentist - looks like plaque build up... It's brewers fault. just kiddin.. but seriously if you've seen pigs with gold nuggets in their nasal cavities I'll start trying harder to harvest a pig that would be awesome to find, win win situation (For me, not the pig)

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I have seen the "gold" on their teeth too and wondered what made that crusty stuff up. I seem to recall that Jim Heffelfinger with AGFD in Tucson was pursuing finding out what that stuff is made of. You might give the Tucson AGFD office a call and ask for him. I am curious about it myself.

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From the book Javelina: Research and Management in Arizona by Gerald I. Day -


"Occasionally javelina teeth become coated with a 'gold-like' appearing substance. These teeth have an accumulation of calculus or tartar that is deposited gradually by the reaction of saliva with food items. On some teeth the tartar forms a thick hard shell that can be chipped off in large flakes and this might be bright, or iridescent, with colors of gold, black, or brown. Skulls with gold-colored teeth make interesting conversation pieces, but do not have any value in the bullion market."

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Good info - a little bit of a donwer - lol. It sure is fun to think that there might be a gold vein out there somewhere they are rooting around in. ;)

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Holy smokes, the javis at all stages of their life and death - including the final processing were more attractive than Flavor Flav flashing that grill.

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