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Devil Diver Down

Other states vs. Arizona

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I don't have any experience in other states and have only helped (?) my sons on junior hunts last year and this in AZ, so my turkey knowledge is almost zero. From what I understand, turkey season in many other western states like Idaho, California, Montana and Wyoming (but not NM) takes place around the same calendar time which is earlier in the mating cycle, so the toms are more susceptible to being called in because they haven't 'henned up' like they have in AZ. Anybody know for sure if that's the case?


It sure would be interesting to observe the birds in that earlier phase, just to get a better idea what their behavior is like. Just wondering, since I plan on hunting them the rest of my life and hope my kids will too.

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I had the pleasure of hunting turkeys in south Dakota last week and I can tell you it was like hunting here. Little different lay out from a land stand point, but the tactics and set ups were the same. Birds were very vocal when we were there. Same deal though, once they hit the ground it was tough to get them to leave the hens. Every bird that was killed was solo and late in the afternoon. One bird was killed about 3pm and the rest were around 8 am.


We had 5 tags and filled every tag. I was the last one to kill Monday morning on a bird that came to us from easy 3/4 of a mile away. Solo bird again. I would post a picture but don't know how to from my iPhone here.

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